I nodded. "I suppose I time traveled..."

He clicked his tongue. "A pesky little trick, isn't it?"

"I want to know more about my powers... Gabriel seemed to know more than I did..." I declared.

He chuckles and walks around me. "Do you remember the last fourteen years you spent away from your family?"

I shook my head no.

"Well... You should know you killed your mother..." he confessed.

I shook my head confused. "My mother?"

"Meredith..." he said and stopped in front of me.

That explains it... When she touched me, she gave me a feeling? A feeling that she couldn't be trusted.

"You had a whole different life up there you know..." he said

"What do you mean... Up there?" I asked even more confused than before.

He smiled and looked up to the sky. "Up there..."

My eyes widened at the news I just heard. "I was in the sky... Whoa... I think this angel business is going way too far..." I mused

"It's true love... Now to find your father--..."

He was cut off by an arrow flying past his head.

"Step away from her..." Harlem yelled standing feet away from Garrett.

"Harlem!" I scolded.

How did he get a crossbow?

Harlem walked up to us eyeing Garrett.

"What's going on here?" Garrett asked getting angry by the second.

"Garrett... I need you to calm down..." I said motioning him to calm down.

He turned to Harlem and grabbed him by the neck.

"I suggest you mind your arrows..." Garrett spat.

"Garrett. Don't hurt him..." I pleaded.

He looked into his eyes, slowly he released his grip, as Harlem fell to the ground.

I ran to his aid quickly asking if he was alright.

He nodded rubbing his neck, red marks appearing on his fragile skin.

"You came back..." I said searching his eyes.

He nodded. "There is no "I" in team Rain..."

"If we are going to find your father... We better get a move on..." Garrett ordered still glaring at Harlem. He rubbed his wrists gently eyeing me. His look was gentle but agitated. He knew that I cared for Harlem, he just couldn't understand why so much. Garrett and I had a underlying understanding and I think we're telepathically connected. I'll soon figure out what that means soon.

I looked at Garrett still in my thoughts nodding his way, helping Harlem to his feet.


Garrett took us to his home across town where life was actually happening. Cars paraded the streets, people walked back and forth to their destination, buildings came to life instead of wallowing away with the wind.

"Here... Is my best place to hide out..." Garrett said opening the door with a key? I didn't see him turn a lock.

His home looked just like Gabriel's... Matter of fact all of the houses on the block did.

Purple Rain ((Completed))Where stories live. Discover now