Happy Birthday Bakugo!!!

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Setting the scene: Bakugo is chilling on a bench outside when Uraraka comes up to him with a gift...

"Happy birthday, Bakugo."

Shit. This is exactly what he had worried about.

Shoulders tensed, jaw clenched and eyes narrowed angrily, Bakugo snaps his head up from his book to glare at-

Oh no.

She gave him a small wave.

Not her.

She places the box on the empty spot on the bench next to him.

Anyone but her.

She waits for his response, smile still present and blinding.


There she was, Cheeks puffed out in a grin and a very obvious present sitting next to him.

Uraraka Ochako was giving him a birthday gift, and she was one of the only people he couldn't say no to.

And before you ask, no, he didn't know why. As far as he was concerned, she was a random classmate who had no relation to him whatsoever. They fought once. He beat her. That was supposed to be it.

But lately, he's found himself acting differently around her.

When he sees her in the hallways his shoulders tense and his palms sweat, like he's anticipating something horrible.

When she waves at him from across the classroom his chest constricts and his breath falls short in his throat.

When he watches her kick ass in training, he almost smiles.

And when she needs anything, he always gives it to her.

And he can't stop.

So how's he going to tell her that he doesn't do birthdays? That he's done his best to keep his birthday a secret for this entire year and that he hates the attention and free stuff?

Looking up at her adorably happy face, Bakugo winces.

He probably won't tell her any of that.

But he can still try.

"What the hell is this?" He begins, holding the box up and waving it around as if it wasn't obviously a present for him.

She doesn't seem to mind his crabbiness though, only rocking back and forth on her feet happily.

"It's a birthday gift! Because it's your birthday!" He blinks at her suspiciously and she blinks back.

"I even said happy birthday..." she deflated a bit, almost as if she truly believes that he's clueless enough to not know what's happening.

That kinda pisses him off. Just a bit.

He tries a different approach, averting his gaze from her sparkly, twinkling eyes and crossing his arms defensively.

"It's not my birthday."

Ah yes. Lying. Everyone's second choice.

Uraraka frowns at this. "Yes it is."

She sounds sure for about twenty percent about that sentence, backpedaling a bit as she observed his stiff posture.

"Isn't it...?" He doesn't answer, and that just sends her into a deeper spiral of condition.

"I was almost positive it was April 20th..." the girl pulls her phone out and murmurs something about 'birthday' and 'calendar'

That snaps his gaze back to her rather quickly.

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