2: How it started

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Tom M. Riddle sometimes mulls over what intrigues him so in Harry J. Potter.

Maybe it's these same old clothes the boy wears, despite being the Messiah of the Wizarding World. The one who will fight against Gellert Grindelwald.

Maybe it's the hair. They never seem to be tamed and properly brushed, for one.

Maybe it's those big green eyes that many boys want to rip out of him because they make him attract the attention of the girls they like - and not only.

Tom cannot blame them. He wants to rip out those vibrant eyeballs too, but not due to envy. More like admiration, if anything.

Actually, he doesn't just want the eyes. No no. He wants all of him.

Those lips... so soft as if they are a girl's.

The fact that the boy is extremely thin and fragile due to the abusive environment he grew up into doesn't exactly help quench his obsession.

So fucking delicate.

Sometimes he feels that extreme need to shield the younger away from the horrors of the two wars.

Some others he just wants to drive the kid crazy.

And so they fight. With or without wands.

He likes both versions. But the good old fist fight that most pure-bloods avoid to execute, that's his favorite. Not that he will ever say it out loud in front of everyone else.

The sound of the Gryffindor's panting, struggling to find lungfuls of air, sweat glistening as it drops down his chin, eyes killing curse green, that... that will be his inevitable downfall.

It's not his fault that he always goes for the biggest prize of all.

Alright, check this out:

○ Tom is eleven at an orphanage in 1937. Hitler's war is coming.

○ He learns he's a wizard from a very familiar transfiguration professor.

○ He goes to Diagon Alley for his supplies.

○ He takes the Daily Prophet at hand, learning of this other boy, same year as him, who is famous because he defeated a powerful man when he was merely a one year old infant.

○ Being a shameless opportunist, Tom makes his mission to meet this boy and gain his favor.

○ On his part, eleven year old Harry thinks Tom as a psychotic pretentious asshole and rejects his offer of friendship.

○ They become enemies. (They have been for five years now. Happy anniversary, I guess.)

○ Tom is drawn to the noble Gryffindor ever since.

That includes mind games, insult count every two hours, detentions and lots of - lots of - ugly scars on both of them.

Hey, Tom Riddle never ever claimed of being a good person.

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