chapter 38:

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Don't own anything

Author pov:

Things are looking good for myotismon. His plans of getting 8 & 9th digidestined is ruined because he got attention from aliens (to love ru) that lived close to the city he is in digimon & their digisteneds are here riggs fivecoat is here.

Most of all his father is beating the crap out of him. Daniel fivecoat one punch sniper ripped out two steel poles thrust it at his neck.

(0:28 - 0:29 only)

Daniel: i know you had a advantage of causing trouble just to pursue your goal. Here on earth on this city that will not do

He pulled them out myotismon grabbed his neck puking blood. Tai & the others arrived seeing daniel fivecoat beating the crap out of him.

Tai: oh man😱😱😱😱😱

Kari: why am i not suprised😅

Agumon: he shows no mercy. He's different than riggs

Gatomon: kari i'm gonna let that old geezer do what he wants lets digivolve time for us to shine


Gatomon digivolved into angewomon

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Daniel: take it away

He jumped away. After a few words to the vampire. All digimon fire everything they got at him including meral red greymon.

The cheered in victory Sora hugged & kiss riggs so did Mimi & nate. Izzy felt someone pulling behind the collar of his shirt blonde hair morphed into a hand.

Golden darkness yami pulled him to a kiss making everyone jaw dropped.

Tearju: i'm so happy for you


Yami: considered that a date

Izzy: rock ... On ~ * he passed out on Tentomon*


They all noticed that fog is getting bigger.

Riggs: Here we go again

Daniel: i'm going home

Lala: nice to meet you kids

nana: i'm not keaving if he comes back well beat him

Yui: good point

Sora: good makes things easier

I love making new crossovers no has ever done before

Going to work later

digimon: one punch CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now