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Jisoo's POV

I was just listening to music,I saw at the rear view mirror that Kai was asleep.I looked at the girl beside me.Ahh.Shes asleep too.Her head was swaying with the car's move.How cute she is.I slowly put my hand at her head to lay her at my shoulder.I pulled her legs closer to mine.I just stare at her.Cat eyes,mandu cheeks,nothing has changed.Including my love for her.I took out my phone and snapped a few pictures of her.Luckily the driver wasn't paying attention.

'I love you.I love you so much.I'm sorry if I left,I'll explain everything.I promise.'


I opened my eyes.Argh I fell asleep too.My head was at the window.I looked at Jennie,she was spacing out.

"We're here!"Kai announced.

"Yeah."We went off the car and got our stuffs at the back of the car.Luckily Kai wasn't noticing the heavy atmosphere between Jennie and I.I miss my province.We went in there and two girls approached us.

"Good morning ladies and gentleman I'm Sunmi."One of the girls greeted.

"I'm Nayeon."The other one said.They were flashing sweet smiles to us.

"We are the owner of this house.We have two rooms here so two should share."

"Love you share with Jisoo.I'll stay alone."Kai said.

"Love I should stay with you."Jennie said that made my heart ache.

'She doesn't like to be with me?I can't blame her.I left her.Haha.It hurts.'

Kai just smiled.

"Love you know I respect you right?I'll be fine alone."

"Okay."I just stayed quiet,my blood's boiling damn it!

"I'll help you with that."Sunmi said as she grabbed my bags.

"Thank you."I said and smiled.

"This way to your room."We followed her.Jennie entered the room grumpily.Whats wrong with her?I entered too.

"Thanks Sunmi."

"If you need anything,Nayeon and I were at the next house,the blue one.Or you could just call me."She said and gave me a calling card then winked at me.

"Sure.Thank you."She left the room and closed the door.The first time after two years that I'm alone with Jennie.I want to hug and kiss her,I miss her damn much!But I can't.I need to control.I fixed my things.I just need to see if she still loves me.If she still do,then I'll do anything to win her back.ANYTHING.

"Ma'am we'll be starting the church hopping tomorrow."

"Why are you being all so formal to me when you're being the sweet one to that Sunmi?"She said,hint of anger can be figured out with the way she talks.This kind of girl,she still is.

"What the heck is your problem?"I said.Then I suddenly realized it.


"Don't tell me you're.."

"NO I'M NOT JEALOUS."She defended.Confirmed.She really is.

"No I'm not saying that.I'm about to say that don't tell me you're on your period."I grinned."So you're jealous."

"Why would I be?"

"Because you still loves me?"

"Who says I do?I hate you."

"You hate me?"

"Of course.Should I be glad that you left me without a trace?"

"I have an explana-"

"I don't care about your goddamn explanation.I'm sleepy I'll go sleep."She said and laid at the bed.Theres only one damn bed.I should sleep at the couch.

'At the right time,Jennie.I'll explain everything to you when you're ready to listen.'


I woke up at the couch.Ahh.Back ache.I really have the worst back ache as always.Its almost afternoon.I looked around and didn't see Jennie so I just changed my clothes.I was wearing sweat pants and a loose shirt.I went outside to look for people when I don't see any.I went outside and finally spotted someone.Sunmi!

"Hey Sunmi!"

"Oh Jisoo.Jennie told us you're asleep so we didn't bother to wake you up."

"Thanks.Where are they?"

"There."She pointed at a little hut."That's where the dinning is.Theres no dinning at the rest houses here so yeah."We suddenly heard a stomach crumble that definitely it isn't me.I looked at Sunmi.

"It's yours?"

"Yeah.I haven't eat yet I'm sorry."

"It's fine.Why don't you eat with us?"

"What?I don't usually eat with guests."

"It's fine for me.Lets go please?"She smiled.

"Okay."We headed at the hut.Kai and Jennie was the lovey dovey couple they are.I hate to see it.Fuck it!We sat in front of them.

"Why is she here?Shouldn't she be working?"Jennie said.

"I invited her."I said.We ate all together.I saw how she eyed Sunmi.I know she still loves me.If she's not why would she ask like this right?I smirked when a plan was formed in my mind.

"Sunmi eat a lot.Youve been working hard you deserve it."I said to her as I put food at her plate.

"T-Thanks."Oh gosh she's blushing.Cute!I stole a glance at Jennie.Shes obviously angry.I really love Jenlous.So much.I ate too when..

"A-Ah.."I choked!Gosh how can I be so dumb!

"Water!"Jennie and Sunmi said in unison and gave me water but I took the one Sunmi handed.I know how Jennie hated to be rejected and how it triggers her.I drink it.

"Thank you."I mumbled.

"Are you okay now?"She said worriedly as she keeps caressing my back.

"Yeah.I'll be fine."I said and sweetly smiled at her.I secretly looked at Jennie.Shes no longer furious..she looks..sad.I felt ache in my heart but I choose to ignore it.

'Just a little bit push,Jisoo.And soon everything will fall into place.'

SINFUL DESIRE(JENSOO||JISOO G!P)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now