"Hey, don't worry. Splendid will be able to talk to that woman Foxy and clear up whatever the misunderstandings she has." Cuddles said, smiling at him.

Lifty nodded, not able to respond. The second they stepped outside, a large body collided into his. He felt strong arms wrap around him and he whimpered. The flood gates opened up and he sobbed into Splendont's shoulder, shaking like a leaf. He tried to tell him what happened, but he was incoherent. Splendont only rubbed his back and whispered comforting words into his ears.

"That friend of yours, Foxy. Well, she came looking for Lifty, don't know why, and Shifty said he was Lifty. She attacked and took him away. That was yesterday. Sometime around noon." Cuddles explained as Splendid watched Splendont comfort Lifty.

Lifty was aware of the eyes on them, but he chose to focus on the body in front of him. Splendont smelled like ax body spray and lemons. He noticed it was a constant smell on him. It was nice, but he was still inconsolable. He felt Splendont rubbing his back, which helped him begin to breathe again, but he was still hyperventilating.

"I'll go get your brother. Okay? Calm down, now. It's okay." Splendont murmured, his hand coming up and petting his head.

Lifty hiccuped and nodded, his voice breaking, "I-I-I'm tr-try-trying."

His stutter was really bad now.


Splendont held Lifty close, his arms loose since if he tempted to squeeze any more, he could actually break Lifty's back. He truly felt horrible about his situation. He never should have underestimated Foxy. Her feelings and mental instability was something he had overlooked considering in the files he read, she was on medication.

Did she go off of them? That would explain her erratic behavior...

"Splendont, we need to find Foxy." Splendid said, catching his attention, he turned ever so slowly, making sure Lifty didn't stumble over him.

"Can't we track her phone? The one Clank made?" He asked, finally feeling Lifty relax.

"He can track it. I'd have to call him." He pulled out his phone and began to dial a number, moving away from the group.

Splendont watched and looked over to see Cuddles staring at Flippy, who watched Splendid like a hawk. He grinned, considering Flippy hardly ever showed his face anymore, Cuddles must be surprised to see him. He glanced down when Lifty squirmed a bit, they locked eyes and he smiled softly, trying to reassure him.

"Are you alright, now?" He asked, his voice soft.

Lifty sniffed and nodded weakly, "I-I-I'm o-okay..."

"Alright, good. Don't worry, I'll figure this out okay? Shifty will be fine." He lied easily, considering Foxy would most likely hurt Shifty under the assumption he was Lifty, the one Splendont was seeing.

Lifty managed a weak smile before burying his face back into his chest. He shivered at that and tried to keep his heart calm. It would be embarrassing if Lifty could feel just how nervous he was with how close he was. His chest was aching because Lifty was so distressed and he was barely able to comfort him at all. It hurt to see him so distraught.

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