Chapter Twenty

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Lifty hadn't been able to sleep the whole night when Cuddles took him back to his place. No one had any idea what to do since they didn't have a formal police station. Lumpy may have patrolled as a road cop for speeders and reckless drivers, but that wasn't very often and didn't qualify him as a cop. Splendid was unreachable by anyone, so Cuddles did the only thing he could think of and took Lifty back to his place.

He sent so many texts to Splendont, even tried calling him, but he got no response. His panic attack only deepened because of it. Cuddles couldn't help him as he made some calls himself. Throughout the rest of the day and night he hid away in the room Cuddles let him stay in, holding Shifty's hat like a lifeline.

Why did he do that? Where did she take him? Where is Splendont?

"Hey, it's okay. I'll go find Splendid, he can help." Cuddles said, trying to comfort him.

He couldn't even leave the room without Lifty having a breakdown, begging not to be alone. It was a crossroads the bunny boy couldn't go pass. People in town weren't as willing to help, considering Shifty was clearly the ringleader and Lifty was a dimwitted follower. Since the Bubble Hero never met the twin, people assumed she got the names mixed up and actually wanted Shifty, not Lifty.

Lifty didn't get a wink a sleep. He stayed up and watched the sun rise, his mind numb from the kidnapping of his brother. He was so wrecked with guilt and fear for his brother, that he didn't realize it was the next day. He was disappointed at the fact Splendont hadn't answered him once, despite needing him at that moment, so badly.

"Lifty?" He flinched and looked over at Cuddles. "I think your phone is going off?"

Lifty sniffed, but his heart raced as he rushed to get his phone. It didn't say Splendont's name on the screen, so he didn't answer. It rung, then stopped. Before he put it down, it began to ring again. He flinched, confused and stared at it, unsure of what to do.

"Answer it. Here." Cuddles crouched beside him and pressed the green button, hitting the speaker so he could hear too.


Lifty blinked, recognizing the voice, "S-S-Splendont?"

"Oh, Jesus Christ! I've been trying to reach you for like twenty minutes now! Where are you? Are you safe?"

Lifty stared at the phone. He couldn't find his words, so Cuddles spoke up, "He's at my house."

"Hi, Cuddles!" Splendid's voice sounded out and Cuddles eyes widened.

"A-Ah! Hey, Splendid!"

There was some talking away from the phone before Splendont spoke up again, "We're coming to your house Cuddles. Come outside!"

"Okay." The phone hung up and Cuddles got up. "Come on."

Lifty wiped his face and grabbed the hand that was outstretched to him. Cuddles walked him through his fancy house, covered in art, plants, sculptures, and any trinkets his parents bought. Lifty glanced around, curiously. It was the complete opposite of how Shifty and himself lived. Before their parents lost custody of them, their house had nothing. No toys, games, pictures, and was devoid of life. However, there was something about the pictures that didn't sit well with him. They were all smiling, but the smiles were... dead.

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