We nodded in agreement before breaking off into two teams. Raven scanned the higher levels, Cyborg in charge of the streets and tight alleyways while I headed to the sewers. Within a few minutes, Beast Boy and Starfire had already found two of the generators and disabled them. Nightwing had no luck finding any so he was going to keep an eye out for H.I.V.E. Cyborg eventually found one more, leaving me and Raven to find the remainder.

" I got nothing." Raven radioed in

" Yeah well I got something and uh. . . It's serious." I said as I spotted a beeping red light on the console of the last generator. I moved in closer to take a look.

" Alright everyone on Y/N's position now! "

" It's been rigged to explode after the other generators were tampered with! We only have a few more minutes! " I said urgently as I heard splashes of water closing in on me. I looked up to see every member of H.I.V.E grinning at me.

" Aw, shit. "

Jinx began casting hexes at me as I managed to avoid them all while the rest of H.I.V.E continued to toy with me. They knew I couldn't beat them all by myself. Eventually one of Gizmo's mechanical arms caught my leg, lifting me up in the air but before he could begin his evil monologue which I'm pretty sure he practiced, Nightwing swooped in, knocking Gizmo off balance. Then the rest of the Titans began to isolate each member of H.I.V.E, giving Cyborg the space he needed to disable the bomb.

I helped Beast Boy with his Mammoth problem as we both double teamed him. A chemistry we surprisingly have considering how little we've actually trained together. I used the swords I took from Deathstroke to deal some lethal damage to Mammoth, providing weak spots for Beast Boy in his gorilla form to exploit.

" How much longer, Cyborg?!" Starfire shouted at him as she fend off See-More. The radiation levels were slowly climbing up even though we've destroyed all but one.

" I've bypassed the security. Buy me a few more minutes!" He said as he focused on the console. Gizmo landed a cheap attack on Nightwing, knocking him into the walls of the sewer before turning his attention to Cyborg who was in the middle of the place.

" Nightwing!" Starfire shouted as she threw a few blasts at Gizmo.

" I got him!" I jumped in as I did a somersault kick on Gizmo, knocking him back.

" You're getting your ass handed to you again shorty." I said cracking my knuckles as I lunged forward punching him.

The fight went on as all of us begin to feel our bodies slowly drain out. Cyborg managed to get the generator down as he helped Beast Boy with the last remaining H.I.V.E , Mammoth. Eventually they were all tied up and had dampening collars on.

"Guess that's a win for us eh Titans?" Beast Boy said in a happy tone. He was about to celebrate when Gizmo let out a scoff.

" Typical Titans! Always thinking there's only one fight and then it's done. You think they didn't plan for this? You all just got played like pawns!" He sneered at us. Hearing this, Nightwing's interest peaked.

" Who's they?" He growled at Gizmo as he grabbed his collar.

" Why don't you take a look outside to find out? I bet you they're waiting."

Nightwing and I exchanged looks before looking the rest of the team. They were exhausted but the city could still be in danger. So we headed to the surface where the giant LED billboard had two mysterious figure shown. One of them stepped into focus as a familiar one eyed helmet came into frame.

Our Own Demons // Raven x Male Reader Red Hood//Where stories live. Discover now