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Many people don't realize how awful it is to be kidnapped and tortured, I didn't until it happened to me
- Chloe Grace
I decided to go out for a walk one day. I went and put on a blue short sleeved t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black converse. I grabbed my North Face jacket before I went outside because it was kinda chilly. I made sure I had my phone after I grabbed my phone I left for my walk. I decided while I was out I'd go to the store to get some things. As I was walking I noticed a car had been following me for a few blocks. I decided to go to the store and see if the car follows me home. While I was in the store I grabbed some peanut butter and some apples. After I was a few blocks away from the store I noticed the car was still following me. I stopped to call 911 to tell them this car was stalking me after I dialed and was waiting for someone to pick someone got out of the car and put a cloth to my face, I dropped my phone in the process. The cloth smelled weird but before I knew it I was knocked out. When I woke up I was tied to a chair and my head hurt so bad. It took me a minute to fully wake up, but when I did I realized I was in a room without any windows. "Help me!!" I screamed, but no one answered. After a few minutes the door started to open. A man came in the room. "You can scream all you want but no one can hear you!" The man yelled. "What do you want from me?" I asked. "You'll find out soon enough." The man said. "Ok, But can I at least know your name?" I asked. "Its Cameron." He said. "I'll be back in a little to start the fun." Cameron said. When he left I decided to get some sleep before he came back. I got maybe 25 minutes of sleep before Cameron came back. When he came back I realized he had a baseball bat. "Oh great." I thought to myself. "It's time to pay for your sins!" Cameron said. Cameron started whacking me with the baseball bat. I felt blood flowing down my face. After a few minutes of this torture I passed out from the pain..
At the BAU In Quantico Virginia.
"Chloe Grace went missing at about 9:30 this morning. The operator said she attempted to call 911 but the call was disconnected." Penelope Garcia said. "Where was she abducted from?" Agent Derek Morgan asked. "A few blocks away from the store." SSA Aaron Hotchner said. "Was there a reason why she was abducted?" Doctor Spencer Reid asked. "No, There are also no suspects." SSA Emily Prentis said. "We don't know how long she has left to live, She's not the first girl to go missing in the past 6 months." Garcia said. "Reid and I will go look in her apartment to see if there's a clue to where she is." Prentis said. "Derek and I will go to the store to see if anyone saw her get into a car or anything." Hotch said. "I'll be here if you need me."Garcia said. "I'll stay and help Garcia." SSA Jennifer Jareau said.

When I woke back up Cameron was gone. I noticed my arms weren't tied to the chair anymore and that there was a tray of food at my feet. I reached down and grabbed it, not a bad from the looks of it. There was a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, some chips, Apple slices, and a water bottle. I decided no to drink my water all at once because I didn't know when I would be able to go to the bathroom. I ate the sandwich and apple slices and saved the chips for later. Cameron came back a little while later and told me to roll a dice. "The number on the dice is how many times you'll be stabbed." Cameron said. I rolled the dice and got a 5. Oh great before I knew it pain was spreading all over my stomach. I was loosing consciousness and passed out again. "Such a shame." Cameron said to himself.

"Emily look at this." Reid said. "What is it?" Emily asked. Reid had found a note. The note said..
Dear the BAU, Chloe is staying with me for a while see you later. C.B.
"I'll call Garcia and see if there's anyone who's initials are C.B.."Reid said. "Garcia is anyone who's initials are C.B.." Reid asked Garcia. "Yes there are 2, ones named Cameron Bell and the other is named Caitlyn Baird." Garcia said. "Do any of them have a criminal record?" Reid asked. "Yes Cameron Bell had been arrested for abducting girls and carrying a concealed weapon Caitlyn Baird has no charges. I have an address for Cameron Bell I sent it to your phones." Garcia said. "Thanks."Reid said. "We have and address for a suspect lets go." Reid said. Reid and Emily headed to the car Reid called the team and gave them the address and meth them there.

I woke up in pain and felt a warm gooey substance all over my hands. Blood I knew the feeling to well. I was scared that Cameron was going to come back. I was getting really tired and started to loose consciousness again. In the distance I heard police sirens before I blacked out again.

"There it is." Hotch said. When the cars stopped the agents got out and surrounded the house. "CAMERON BELL OPEN UP!!" Morgan yelled. There was no answer so Morgan kicked the door down. They searched the house and found nothing. "Over here." Reid said. Reid had found the basement door. Reid headed down the stairs. When he got to the bottom he saw a girl with blood stained hair who was unconscious. "I found her!" Reid yelled. Reid quickly got Chloe off of the chair and put pressure on the stab wounds to keep her from losing to much more blood. A team of medics came running down the stairs and helped carry Chloe up the stairs. Reid decided to go with Chloe in the ambulance. Chloe was dying and Reid didn't know if she'd make it.

The team had found a note Cameron left that said if Chloe lived he'd come back to finish the job.

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