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"What the hell is Tartarus," asked Tommy.

Techno stifled a laugh. The kid could be really dense sometimes. "It's hell, literally. The deepest part of it, beyond the realm of Hades. It's the literal birthplace of all monsters."

Techno watched as Tommy's gears turned in his head. "So... why don't we want to go there?" He looked down at his wings. "I mean, we are monsters."

Techno thought about that for a moment. He had never been to Tartarus, but he had heard horror stories from Phil. Dark caverns of pooling lava and the constant odor of death. Constant peril at every turn, either from the treacherous paths or the monsters that resided there. The difference between that kind and his was that he had a little bit of humanity left inside of him, and he always would, no matter how many bunnies he slaughtered. Techno's half-human genetics were what kept him from losing his mind and joining his fellow empousai kind in the hunt for blood. And for that, he was grateful everyday.

"It's different Tommy," Wilbur interjected, pinching the bridge of his nose. "We are part human, remember? Sure, the monsters, like those gorgons outside, might say it's our birthplace, but we were born here. Tartarus is not a place for humans. We can't survive down there."

Techno shuffled as Wilbur's words sunk in around them. He watched Phil's eyes grow cold, probably remembering past violence. Tommy grew more nervous by the minute, and Techno was beginning to wish he had never dragged the kid inside. Sure he would be dead, but he wouldn't be in this situation.

Tommy looked down dejectedly. "So, do we have to fight?"

"We are fighting," said Techno, "you are not."

Tommy's face contorted into defiance. "But I can fight, you dickhead!"

Techno thought that if Phil wasn't here right now he would pummel this kid into the floorboards. His eyes flashed, keeping his frustration inside. Thankfully, Phil stepped in, "Tommy, it's for your own good. You just barely got your wings, don't you want to learn how to fly?"

Tommy's demeanor quickly changed to something of uncontained excitement.

Techno remembered Phil telling him about flying, and the first time he did it. He was about to suggest that the two avians go outside and practice, but he was interrupted.

"Tech, why don't you teach him," suggested Wilbur with a slight smirk.

Techno sputtered in protest and Tommy looked taken aback. "But, but Phil has the wings! Phil has wings, dude! I literally have trouble walkin'! Heh?"

Wilbur and Phil looked at each other, having a silent conversation with their eyes. Techno hated when they did that.

Phil turned to him, kindness shining in his eyes as it always did. Techno was starting to believe that Phil didn't have a bad bone in his body. "Techno, you should do it. You should do it because Wil and I have been talking, and we need to go to the woods."

Techno's blood turned icy. The woods were no place for humans. Sure, Techno went to hunt there almost daily, but he knew them like the back of his hand. Phil and Wilbur were far from weak fighters, but still, concern flitted across his face. Phil was resolved though, and Techno knew he wouldn't budge if he tried to persuade him otherwise.

He whispered, not breaking eye contact, "Be safe."

The group of four split down the middle, two men heading off into the unknown, leaving the other two who didn't quite know how to get along.

A sharp knock on the door shook Tommy out of his lengthy daydream.

𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙮𝙤𝙪, 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙬𝙤𝙧𝙡𝙙 ༄Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon