ch 4: Party :)

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Friday went just as smoothly as Thursday, so not smooth at all. To sum it up I got spaghetti sauce spilled on my white skirt. Literally the one time I actually wore white.

The following thing that happened wasn't nearly as mortifying as the first but I'm still counting it. Basically I was sitting in class minding my own business when Ms.Bitch called me out in front of everyone. I think it went something like "Cassidy, I need you to stop day dreaming about your little crush, and pay attention to this math problem."

You may be thinking, oh that's nothing. Wrong. You want to know why? Well I just so happened to be thinking of Jaxon in that moment so the only reasonable thing to do was look at him. I'm an idiot. 

And that little look did not go unnoticed by anyone. Everyone laughed at my VERY red face. Why can I not embarrass myself for like 2 seconds? 

Those were the extent of my embarrassing moments for today, but that is no where near the end of things that will happen in the future. Trust me on that one. 

But, finally, after what felt like 12 hours instead of 8, the final bell rang. Realizing I didn't have Ava and Isabelle's numbers, I quickly got those before beginning my walk to my car.

Nothing else seemed to happen as I was walking except, of course, I hit my car key button too early and it went off for, no joke, 5 minutes until I finally found it. Barely anyone was around except Jaxon. I would except nothing less. With my luck, I wasn't even surprised that happened to me. 

That was the longest day I have ever had. It just kept going and going.  Every time I looked at the clock, 2 minutes has past even though it felt like 20 went by. 

When I got back to the house, it was around 3:20. I can't wait to get in comfy clothes and lay in bed. That's what I normally did on weekends back at home, so I wasn't expecting anything different. I should've known it would be different because as soon as I got in my room a notification chimed on my phone. 

A notification from Ava 😘 popped up. It said: 

Party at mine tonight. 8 PM. Whole school's invited. I'll text you details. Dress hot, J will be there 😊😉

I responded with: 

Even if I am going to dress hot it wouldn't be for Jax. But I will be there. 

Knowing me and my amazing procrastination skills, I decided to go ahead and start getting ready. I got a quick shower and did my basic skin care routine before opening my bag to try and attempt to get some of my homework. I knew it was pointless. All I was focusing on was what I was going to wear. I think I had a pretty good idea, though. 

Around 6:30 I got up out of my bed after doing the majority of my homework, so I could finish getting ready. I put on a pretty natural amount of makeup, black mom jeans, and a simple wrap around shirt. I kept my curled hair loose and put on my signature perfume. 

(outfit for the party; I am imagining different shoes and a little bit less baggy jeans) 

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(outfit for the party; I am imagining different shoes and a little bit less baggy jeans) 

I looked myself over once more and decided it was good enough. I definitely needed a zip up if I was gonna get past Grandma without her stopping me. This is more cleavage than I normally show but it's a party so why not, right? 

Grandma was surprisingly easy to convince. I didn't lie and tell her it was some kind of study group or some stupid shit like that. If I were to tell a lie it would have been much more believable than "I'm studying for a test that we have on Monday." Bitch we know that's not true. 

Anyway, I typed in Ava's address and pulled out of the driveway. That was when the nerves started happening. I wasn't some innocent little girl that has never gotten drunk or had sex. I've done all that but it wasn't so much as the idea of the party but seeing the guy who, for some reason that's beyond understanding, has clouded my thoughts for my whole time I've been here. And to refresh your memory a little bit, that is approximately 3 days. 

When I finally got to Ava's house, which was huge, the nerves were even more intense. Before I could talk myself out of this, I got out of the safety of my car. I've got this. I just need to find Ava and Is. Easy. 

The music was deafening when I walked into the house but that didn't stop me to go and attempt to find my only friends I've made. My search for them ended quickly seeing as though they were in the living room talking to 2 very attractive males. Grabbing a beer from the kitchen counter, I headed over there. 

After talking to who I now know as Ian and Noah, I actually realized that I was really enjoying myself. This was fun. Now done with 3 beers, I was starting to feel it. Not fully but definitely less alert than before. That didn't stop me from looking for Jaxon. I didn't even realizing I was looking for him until Is nudged me in the ribs. 

She gave me a little wink before nodding her head to the door. Jaxon was here. A smile lit up on my face. Why the fuck was I smiling. Totally buzzed Cassia. No other reason for the sudden amount of happiness I felt when he walked through the doors. 

That smile faded as I noticed he wasn't alone. He had a girl trailing like a lost poppy behind him. Aw shit. Sucks for me. As much as I hated admitting it, I was looking forward to seeing him even though I hated his guts. He was just that hot. 

I didn't let that affect me because I grabbed Noah's hand, one of the guys I was talking to. He was a hot brunette who was 100% my type, and I led him to the dance floor. Maybe I was using Jaxon's best friend to make him mad but maybe not. I actually enjoyed talking to Noah, so I could for sure see this happening. 

As we were dancing to the music and laughing, I noticed a complete change in Noah. His face became pale and he stopped dancing. I looked behind me where he was looking and noticed Jaxon glaring, and I mean glaring at us. I guess giving him a sweet, innocent smile made him especially mad because he stormed over to us. Was not expecting that. 

Throughout dancing I had downed 3 more beers meaning I had had around 6 total. That was more than I normally drank. Probably where all this confidence came from. 

When Jaxon reached us I was expecting some type of insult or name calling but instead his large hand wrapped around my much smaller wrist. He harshly dragged me to the corner of the room where there were only a couple of people making out. They were too occupied to notice us, though. 

"What the fuck. I was enjoying myself." I mumbled to Jax. 

"Yeah with my fucking best friend. Off. Limits. No. Fucking. Exceptions." his deep voice responded back to me. 

"And why should I listen to you." Saying this while also crossing my arms made me slightly dizzy. I know, I was a lightweight. Before I could fall, Jaxon caught me. Caught. Me. 

"Fucking watch out." "Oops" I innocently mumbled. He was not having it.  I wonder what was wrong with him. I noticed his dark eye bags and messy hair, making it look like he just got out of bed. Oooo that reminds me. 

"Who was that girl you were with?" 

"None of your fucking business." That's it, that's all I got. Fine, 2 can play this game. 

"Then it's none of you fucking business who I dance with." Was my lame response. I wasn't thinking clearly, ok. 

"Yeah it actually fucking is. You. Are. Mine." Nope definitely hearing things. I heard you're mine and I know for a fact that is not what just came out of his mouth. But it was. 

I have learned 2 new things to add to my short list about Jax. 

#1 is that he loves the word fuck, fucking, fucker (basically anything with fuck in it) and #2 that I am his and no one else's. Interesting start to my weekend. 

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