You raised a brow never thinking that your sister would talk to you so soon not after how you treated Kal-El. "Message?" You simply asked finally stopping beside Winns desk as your arrival snatched his attention from his computer with a smile.

"Alex wants us to meet her man tonight" Winn spins around dramatically on his chair lifting his eyebrows up and down before Kara could explain.

You let a small snigger escape your lips. Man? No that didn't seem right. Maggie however was going to be a surprise for the boy, that or finally realising that Alex was gay. "You're kidding?" You asked faking your own hint of surprise.

"No, she gave me this weird map" he insisted pointing back towards his computer, a small text printed on the screen. Coordinates, although you didn't know where to but it was definitely in the city.

"Guess were going on a scavenger hunt."


"Hey guys." Maggie smiles seeing yourself already at the bar with Alex who was sipping a beer nervously. Well one after another. The boys and Kara had gone of to find a booth in the alien bar the numbers had taken you all to. It was pretty chill and you had already started to revive some very non discrete compliments and winks even more when they knew you were in fact one of them. 

"Hey Maggie, We've met, y/n." You smiled lifting a hand up to shake hers as you use the other to sip on an alien drink; one that would actually have an affect on you just like on your birthday, the birthday in which you kissed your boss.

You weren't sure if Maggie knew who you really were but both Captain Super and y/n Danvers had met her once or twice. "Yeah I know. I guess I have you to thank." She explained ripping your from your train crashed thought process.

"Oh it was nothing." You explained waving her off like it was nothing. All you did was be the big brother that the girl needed and you had to admit sometimes your siblings needed an extra little shove when it came to their romances. Next stop in matchmaking was Lena and Kara something that Kara had been forming a plan for. 

Not a good one at that.

"What you did was incredible I was totally going to bail." Alex explained nervously collecting another beer from the bar. The girl hadn't been nervous about Maggie being here but rather having to tell the boys that Maggie was finally hers, something that they didn't even think could happen. Oh and that's she gay too.

"Now you just got to meet the others." You explained earning a large gulp from the mess of an Alex beside you who stumbles from her chair to face the others who had yet to notice the arrival of Alex's "man."

But Maggie was no where near nervous and takes a glance at the three. "Should go well."

"Hey" they all say in sync, Kara occupied herself with her drink as she catches your lingering gaze. What would it take to get her to even look at you anymore?

"Hey Kara." Maggie smiles taking the blonde into a hug from where she was sat. 

"Who's this?" Winn asked watching Maggie with confusion as Alex gestured for her to sit down. James, Winn and Kara sit on one side and Maggie and Alex sit on the other, you pull up a stool and sit at the edge right next to your sister.

"Yeah where's the lucky fella at?" James asks looking around but only spotting people who where quite literally from out of space, he didn't want to discriminate but he had yet to find his gaze landing on someone that would catch the look of a woman like Alex.

Alex clears her throat wishing to herself that she could gulp down another drink but you clutch your drink tightly cutting her from downing the sore liquid. "This is my date. Maggie this is everyone, everyone this is Maggie." She explains and Winns face drains of colour.

Supergirl's brother. A cat grant x male reader fanfic. Where stories live. Discover now