But that doesn't make sense.

Harry wasn't a Malfoy.

Or was he?

I shrug it off.

Then I notice Katriss with her mouth open.

"It's not right to steal your brother's love!" She whisper-shouts.

I then get a vision.


"George?"  Fred said, as the twins were circling, amongst the battle.

"Yes Fred?" George said warily.

"You can have Angelina." Fred said calmly, but with a twinge of fear in his voice.

"But Fred! The twin code! One set of twins can only love the same person!"  George saidastonished, and curious of what would happen next.

Fred smiled sadly.

"I know." He said, now a genuine smile on his face.

Then an explosion erupted, killing Fred who had a smile on his face, knowing is brother would grow up and have a happy family with the girl he loved.


I was crying freely.

Why Fred?

Then, I understood my vision.

"Sam, It'll be fine. One set of twins can only love the same person.

So you'll both have me. Don't worry your little head." I said.

He smiled.

"Let's not tell the other two. It'll be a cute game." Sam suggested.

"Why not?" I said, shrugging.

I look inside, and see Cal and Katriss kissing.

I hear something crack.

You know what it is?

My heart.

Now I know what a fangirl feels like when their OTP is broken up.

Curse you Riordan.

I've met Rick Riordan.

I stumbled upon his rocky cave.

If you didn't know, he's a troll.

And you know what he was doing?

Using his BIG invisible magic hands to make Percy and Annabeth fall into...

Wait for it...


Who does that?

Oh right.


Once I snap out of my 'fangirl' trance, I wipe away my tears.

"So he wants to play that game huh?" I say.

He probably knows about the twin thing.

Two can play that game.

"Actually Sam, I can't go on that date." I say, evilly.

"Why not?" He says, hurt.

"I have a little date with your dearest cousin Draco." I say, slip out of his grip, and go into my godly form, flying to Malfoy Manor.

I knocked on the door, and Draco opened it.

"Ev?" He said.

"Hey Draco? Can I admit something?" I say.

"Yeah, sure." He says, with love in his eyes.

"I kinda like you." I say.

"I kinda like you too." He says.

Then Tom walks in.

"Good choice Athe. Yo better take care of her Draco. Or else." His eyes flashed red at the 'Or else'. Draco nodded.

"Draco, come on. Let's go see what Potter is up to." I say, and we apparate to Hogwarts.

Let's see how this little game goes. I thought.

I don't think this is a game Everthorne. You like him. Mama says from my head.

What? I say back, horrified.

I'm just stating the truth. She said.

You know what Mortal Author John Green? You need to make a new book. You know what it should be called?

An Abundance Of Malfoys.

The Elemental Goddessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें