Chapter 1

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"G-guys are you sure this is a good idea" the green haired hero asked, Izuku Midoriya, the pride and joy of UA highschool, was currently shaking in his shoes as he stood before the massive red arch, adorned with religious writing and a string going across it, with Omamori dangling on it. 

"Cmon Izuku, it wont be that bad" one of the other kids said, the red haired Eijiro Kirishima, as he opened a bag he had brought pulling out some flashlights and handing them around.

"Besides!" the hot headed Bakugo had yelled, shoving past the nervous wreck "You need to learn how to man up if you want to be a hero deku!" he grabbed a flashlight and approached the gate. 

"Guess we don't really have a choice do we" Another kid sighed, Denki Kaminari, and grabbed a flashlight. The group lifted the string and ducked under, entering the small shrine, surrounded by trees locking them out from the outside world. Looking back Izuku could have sworn he saw the trees close around the gate.

"AH!" the group turned, Izuku frozen. 

"What?" Eijiro said, Izuku seemed to loosen up as the group paused 

"O-Oh, my eyes must've been playing tricks on me..." He turned back to face the group, but when he looked to them he saw their faces replaced, with a grotesque mask, faces melted, torn, beaten and bloodied. He screamed and sprinted out of the shrine as fast as he could, swearing he heard laughter as he ran. 

"...What was his deal?" Denki said curiously as he ran.

"Bah! what does it matter, it means we wont have to put up with him for the rest of the night" Bakugo sighed.

"Well, whatever, just like we planned" Eijiro approached the fox statue in the middle, and placed a small bowl "Money in the bowl, first to find a ghost and get a picture on their phone gets the cash, no ghost, we're leaving it" The other two nodded and the, three tossed their money into the bowl, Peeling off their separate ways. But Bakugo stayed slightly longer, he lifted his flashlight to the statue, seeing a figure casually laying on the back of the statue. Rubbing his eyes it went away, shrugging it off he went off into one of the four small buildings, not entirely sure why they were there in the first place. 

Meanwhile, Eijiro had walked into one of the flowerbeds, seeing that the flowers seem rather...dead. Rather they actually looked, eaten, do animals even go in here. Now that he thought of it, has he heard any animals here, it's been dead silent, not even the wind made a noise. What about Bakugo and Denki, he should hear them. When he got up he noticed they didnt seem to be around. Until he noticed what was in front of him.

Bakugo's body laid bloody, his neck torn open, and a very guilty fox standing above it. "B-Bakugo...BAKUGO" 

He jerked up, he was laying next to the flower bed, looking around he saw bakugo and denki each milling about but it all felt off..."G-Guys im out of here" and another one ran out.

"Kirishima!" Denki sighed "You've got to be kidding me, its alright...there arent any ghosts here" he took a deep breath until he heard a blast from bakugo. "Bakugo! What happened" he heard no response so ran over to bakugo. 

He found him on his knees, in a small offshoot building staring, in shocked disgust, at the context of an old wooden box, a decapitated rabbit, its blood seemed to still flow, and it still twitched. The pair were frozen in horror before running out as well. the group all out in the park, their fears driving them to give up. 

Thats when a figure lifted the bowl of money, "Another successful day" he chuckled, dressed in old japanese robes, with a brown fox tail, long black hair, fox ears and orange fox-like eyes. He took the bowl into the building and placing inside the box, now full with other wads of cash that people left for blessings or curses, never reciprocated. 

He stared a while at the headless rabbit, now still again, his face turned sour, closing the lid and walking back to the statuette that depicted him, the engraving reading "Here you shall lay, and watch the world change around you, as your brethren fade you will merely watch, stuck in this box Y/N"

The Fox and the Hare(Male fox Spirit reader x Miruko)Where stories live. Discover now