Richard and Addie come in next with sunflowers in hand. "Y/n, my very best friend. Yes, I said best friend. You are one of the brightest lights in my life. You are kind, generous, caring, and would take a bullet for anyone. Literally. It is one of the greatest privileges in my life to know you. I hope you will stay here, you give me a reason to stay and come back frequently. Oh also, guess what? I'm staying. Arizona and I are co-chief's of fetal surgery. She will be the primary chief as I will need to be in LA part time as well, but most of the time will be spent here. I want you to tell her when you see her." She finishes with a smile. "You kicked my butt at cards earlier, but I want to have many more games of cards with you. I want to watch you grow into an even better surgeon than you already are. I am so proud of you." Richard says and kisses my forehead.

Amelia, Nicole, and Callie come in next, all with sunflowers. "Y/n, you are an inspiration to everyone here. You have proven that you are the strongest person, so many times before. You make everyone better by being here." Amelia says. "I know haven't known you long, but I can tell you are someone who I would be honored to know and have the privilege of knowing. I hope you will consider staying, as it would be an honor to get to know you better. And Arizona is made for you and you made for her. That's a love that cannot be replicated. You two are it for each other." Callie says.

"Y/n, Y/n, Y/n. Frankly, I want to kick your ass for even considering leaving. If you weren't injured, I think I would. Your family is here. You make this family whole and complete. There is not question about that. Also, if you even try to come back to Tufts, I'll tank your interview." Nicole says with a wink.

Jo and Schmitt come in next with sunflowers in hand. "Y/n, we gathered some people that want to say hi and how much you mean to them on video. I just sent them to your phone, watch them in order and Schmitt and I hope you like it. Side note, all of this was Arizona's idea." Jo says with a smile. The two of them go to leave.

It's a video of several of my patients and their parents. They're saying the type of impact I had on them. I was so crying at this point. 

Still crying, I clicked on the video and it was my favorite person, Arizona. 

Arizona's POV

I was standing down the hallway, nervous as hell and my phone buzzed. It was a text from Richard. 

Richard: Listen to this, if you ever had doubts, this will squash them.

It's a voice recording.

Y/n: Richard, I just ruined the best relationship I have ever been in. She's not coming back.

 Richard. What's your favorite thing about her?

Y/n: There's too much to even say, but if I had to choose it would have to be how protective she is of me, even though she thinks I hate it, I secretly adore it and how much she cares about me. We are best friends and she always checks up on me to make sure I am okay. And she is okay with me not being okay. She asks me what she can do to make it better or help. She does this adorable thing with her nose and how it crinkles when she's trying to not laugh when it's a serious time. I just want to make her laugh in those moments to see if she'll crack.

Richard: What do you want most for her?

Y/n: More than anything, I want her to be happy. She deserves happiness in her life. She deserves to get all the butterflies in her stomach and someone who turns her world. She deserves that much and so much more. Richard, I fucked up. I really did.

Richard: You didn't, just trust me.

Y/n: It just hurts.

With that, there was such a smile brought to my face, along with cries. Jo and Schmitt come out of Y/n's room and I take that as my cue. 

I go stand in her doorway as she wraps up patient and parent videos. She should be getting to mine soon.

As if on cue, she gets to mine that I recorded as I stand quietly at the door. Her not noticing me.

Hi my love, I hope you're not too upset with me. I shouldn't have left before, I should have heard how you were feeling. I was going to come to your room right at 3:30pm, but I knew there were people you needed to hear from. I hope they have proven their case and this is just a fun video of me telling you how much you mean to me and how much I love you. You are my everything, Y/n Karev. There is no one in my life that will ever make me happier. You are it for me, you are the one. No one turn's my world like you do. You simply are one of a kind, sweet girl. I'll always be your Battleship. I've never been very good with my words, so hopefully this video helps you. But I have a surprise for you, so look up.

Just as the video is finished, she looks up at me. An instant smile forms on her face as her cheeks are wet with tears. 

I stand in the doorway awkwardly, biting my lip and looking down like a dork. "You came back?" She asks me with a smile. "Of course, I did. I always will. You always come back to me, so I will always come back to you. Always." I tell her with a big smile.

I move from the doorway and onto the side of the bed. She wrap her arms around my waist in an instant. 

"Kiss me." She says softly. "Say less." I tell her. I pull her face in for a passionate kiss. We linger our kiss for a while, as if we have waited our entire lives for this moment. 

Y/n pulls back from the kiss first. "I'm staying." She says and then goes right back to kissing me. It took me a few seconds to process this and at first I didn't realize what she said. 

Then I went wide-eyed and pulled her back from me. I looked into her eyes and looked at the absolute love in her eyes. "Please don't joke with me." I tell her. "I'm not joking, Arizona. I am staying." She tells me.

I pull her back into me and kiss her passionately.

She was staying. She was really staying. I noticed the people outside the door and windows and give them a thumbs up and mouth 'she's staying.' They all erupt in cheers, and Y/n notices them as well.

She motions them inside and everyone piles in, in tears and laughter. One big happy family. We were together, and that's all that mattered.

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