Start from the beginning

A bouncy blonde came around the corner, a grin over taking Rory's face as Jo set down her tray of drinks to come greet him at the door. It had been a week since they last saw each and even though this was their second time meeting, both of them couldn't keep the excitement of their faces.

"You back already? Mom will be thrilled to see you here." Jo says, quickly glancing behind the boy for something.

"He's not here."

Jo snapped her face back to look at the blonde, but kept her cool. "What?"

"Dean. He's not here." He replied smoothly, shoving his hands inside his pocket. "Him and Sam went on a case."

"You didn't want to go with him and lover boy?"

Gnawing on his bottom lip, he followed Jo to the edge of the bar, plastering his arms on top of the wooden surface. His eyebrows furrowed at her choice of words, but didn't comment on it— especially the nickname she gave Sam. It had to be Sam, right? If it was Dean, he would definitely sit the girl down and have a long lecture on why it's not him.

"Vampires aren't my kind of thing." Is what he found himself saying. "Last time I countered one was when an asshole of a father decided it was a good time to act arrogant towards his youngest."

Jo raised her eyebrow at that. "Are we talking about John?"

"Shit. I'm sorry. That sounded insensitive." He went to apologize but she laughed.

"Don't sweat it. I never knew him and my mother never talks about him." She explained, pouring a shot of whiskey before sliding it to the boy. "It's not like I pry, but from what I can see, he's a real piece of work."

"He was. I am pretty sure he didn't like me." He frowned.

Before Jo answer, the door to the back swung open to reveal Ellen Harvelle walking out with pretzels in her hand. She didn't seem to notice the new visitor but when she did, her eyes lit up and an easy smile appeared on her face before Rory saw her walking over to them.

The blonde respected Ellen, not because of her being a hunter but because how she looked out for her daughter. She reminded Rory so much of his mother and his heart tightened at the thought of her. If his mother was here today, he was surely certain that Ellen and her would get along so well. It's a shame that she was gone, but not forgotten.

"I thought I heard your voice." Ellen smiled warmly, her hands setting down the box of pretzels on the table. "Where's the boys? They didn't kick you to the curb, did they?"

"No." He laughed, his voice lowering. "Vampires in a town nearby. Didn't feel like facing them today."

"Boy, this is a hunters bar. No need to whisper." She reminded him. "But, vampires are a mess. Don't blame you for sitting this one out."

"Actually, Dean benched me." The blonde blurted out, causing both of them to look at him in surprise. "It wasn't a mutual decision. Trust me."

Ellen handed him a pretzel with sympathy. "Dean still being hard on you?"

"Unfortunately because the world likes being cruel to me."

Jo raised her eyebrow. "What is his deal anyway? Your a friend of his brothers, why is he acting like a possessive boyfriend?"

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