war [popee x reader]

Start from the beginning

You immediately shake off the thought once when he begins shouting at you.

"You have no right to look through this! These are my personal entries! If I wanted everyone to see what they said, I would've told the Beatles to make a song of it!" You're more than terrified of what he might do, but his voice is too attractive for you to comprehend what he's saying. "Pops, I think you sho–" Keda begins, getting cut off by his friend.

"Oh, fuck off," he gazes back at you, hands balling into fists as his chest rapidly rises and falls. Just as he's about to have at you, Keda shoves him to the side and kicks him in the guts. "You need to start letting shit go, man," the shorter man speaks as Popee curls into the fetal position, arms protecting himself from the repeated blows. You cannot believe how calm Keda's being while beating the living daylights out of the lanky man who lays helplessly on the floor. He's nowhere's near phased, even when Popee begins crying and spitting out blood.

"Keda, stop," you say firmly, reaching out a hand to his arm. "What?" he shouts over the other's sobbing. "I said stop. You're going to kill him,"

"I know," he answers. You pull him behind you, to which he complies and refuses to continue injuring Popee further. You rush down to help the man, kneeling next to his curled up legs. "What's wrong? Where do you hurt the most? Do you need any–"

"I'm good, I just..." he trails off as he tries to push himself up. "You're not good, Popee. I'll help you, okay?" you tell him. He takes his elbow out from under his body, putting his weight on it while offering his hand. You place one hand behind his back and the other in the one he's given you. You manage to get him off the ground, but not without some of his blood sticking to you. Keda simply watches, hands in his pockets.

Popee quietly thanks you for helping him up, then turns to the man who beat him. "I wasn't going to actually hit them, you know," he says, licking his top lip free of blood. That doesn't quite do the trick, so he gently rubs his nose to wipe off more blood. He must've felt your eyes on him, because the next thing he does is make eye contact with you. There's definitely something there.

"We gotta get going," Keda chimes in. "Pops, come on,"

You stop gazing at him, grab your suitcase, and follow the others out the door.


two months later

"Good morning, Pops,"

The lanky man who suddenly appeared with a water bottle in one hand and a small bag of chips in the other, smiled at you gently. His face was stained with bruises and some other miscellaneous wounds, which you found to be quite attractive. Of course, the way he got them wasn't all sunshine and rainbows, but that didn't matter much now anyway. That horrific event passed, and you'd really rather not think about it.

"Good morning," he says back, sauntering over to the seat next to you with a grin. In addition to the bruising, he also suffered a busted lip. The mines did your entire squad poorly, but Popee got it the worst. He was the one who stepped on it.

You ruffle his blond locks at that thought, grateful that he's still here to amplify the joy in your life. "What got you up so early?" you ask, bringing your hand back to your lap. He opened his bag of chips and dropped his body onto your legs, facing you with the prettiest smile you'd seen in a while. "The village just got in some new records and they just so happened to have a Three Dog Night album," he beamed.

You smiled and nodded, trying not to freak out over him being so physically close to you. You weren't as into music as he was, but you never refused to listen to him go on about his interests. You knew so much more about these bands and groups than you would've ever cared to, but it's the fact that he told you everything that makes that knowledge worthwhile. So, as he blabbers on about how amazing Three Dog Night is, and how One is their best song, you gaze lovingly into his eyes while listening to his words.

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