3rd grade

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I'm in 3rd grade now and I'm 8 years old and I just made a new friend his name is Patrick he's so sweet and really funny he made me laugh until I peed myself and I'm glad I'm making new friends I have all my friend in my class especially Thomas and my crush on him has grown a lot bigger than last year and I don't know why it just has and it's been getting Tayler more jealous and I don't know why because we are best friends and best friends aren't supposed to date it's always been like that with us
Tayler: Paige what is wrong with you
Paige: nothing
Tayler: you've been staring at Thomas for the past 10 minutes
Paige: oh sorry what were we talking about
Tayler: what's gonna happen when we turn 10 Paige: oh yeah right
Tayler: so we are gonna be in 6th grade right
Paige: mhm
Tayler: never separate always going to be there
Paige: yeah ok
He keeps talking and I start day dreaming about me and Thomas's wedding and I get excited and start smiling
Tayler: ok since your not paying attention to me your best friend we are no longer friends because friends pay attention to friends
Paige: no tay tay I'm just thinking
Tayler: yeah about Thomas
I blush
Tayler: whatever
The bell rings for the end of the school day and we go on summer break and me and Tayler don't talk the whole summer I even tried to give him ice cream and it didn't work he was still mad at me for no reason and I just cry the whole time

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