Chapter 2

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It was Saturday and I sat in the Man Cave, at the round table, watching Drake and Josh, when the elevator opened.

Henry and Charlotte walked out talking.

A second later, three men came jumped out, yelling causing Charlotte to fall to the floor and Henry to jump.

Dad came out laughing as I went to help up Charlotte.

"Ah, kids." Dad laughed out.

"Hey Ray, do you maybe want to tell us what's going on?" Charlotte asked.

"Sure. We are about to get you ready for the brawl in the hall!" Dad started punching the air.

"Wait, are you talking about the Bysh Bilsky and Charlotte fight?" Henry asked standing beside me.

"Wait." The three of us looked at each other.

"How would Ray know about that?" I shrugged.

"I didn't tell him. I was texting you all last night." I told Henry.

"Have you guys not seen the news?" Dad asked.

"What news?"

"Uh, this." Dad than changed it to the news.

"And finally, this story from Swellview High School. Notorious bad girl Bysh Bilsky was released from jail only two weeks ago, but she's already stirring up a ruckus." Trent said.

"That's right, Trent. According to our high school informant, there's gonna be a big, nasty fight."

"Apparently, Bysh will be pummeling a local teenage girl named Charlotte something on Monday morning, just before school."

"But I don't want to fight! I don't have to fight if I don't want to fight, right?" Charlotte asked as everyone started to disagree.

But don't worry, because I have brought you the best personal combat instructors who'd come here for free." Dad told Charlotte.

"And, uh, who are these guys?" Henry asked pointing to the three

"This is Sensei June, a multi-degree black belt in shishito, pad thai and quinoa." Dad went to him first

"Now, this man here is Harley Birch. He may look out of shape, but don't let the flab fool you." Dad patted Harvey's stomach as keys fell from under his flab.

"What the heck is this?" Dad asked bending down to grab the keys.

"Oh, them are my car keys." Harley grabbed them from dad.

"I'm gonna just put 'em back here in my flab."

"And, uh, who's that person?" Henry asked.

"Ah, this is Kevin." Said Dad going over to the smaller guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2021 ⏰

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