[ 008. ] his voice is a familiar sound

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warning: mild suggestive sexual content

may 2004
somewhere in central america

It's unnecessarily humid. That's been Avery's only thought since they've arrived. She's not sure where they've located them this time, she only knows a man with a target on his back.

Although, Avery would much rather the suffocating humidity than the freezing cold of the Siberian tundra. No matter where she's at, she will always be uncomfortable, she has come to the conclusion as she sits on the roof of their abandoned bunker, eye to the scope of her rifle.

The sun is covered by thick grey clouds. She assumes it'll rain, chalks the unbearable humidity to the rain.

Avery hears a lock click, the door leading up to the roof creaks open. She doesn't move a muscle, as she continues to look into the horizon with her scope.

The gravel on the roof crunches under heavy boots. They stop once they reach Avery.

"Base called," He says softly, he takes a seat next to the brunette. "Someone tipped off the target, he's halfway to China by now."

Avery sighs, James can't pinpoint if it's a sigh of relief or not. She sits up, propping her rifle up beside her.

"What now?" She asks him.

"We meet at the rendezvous point tomorrow morning," He replies, moving to sit beside her. Their backs pressed up against the ledge of the roof. Avery's eyes are forward, watching as the setting sun's rays peek out through the clouds. The sky is painted an assortment of oranges, yellows, and pinks that stream through the grey clouds. Avery can overlook the humidity for a view like that.

"We don't have to be there until tomorrow?" She questions. James inspects her face. He just hums in response, his ungloved right hand shakily reaching up to touch her face. She lets him turn her face so she's looking at him.

He takes a moment to take her in. Every detail from the slope of her nose to her cupids bow to every freckle on her skin. The sky illuminates her in a pink color, it reflects of her skin. She looks like an angel, he thinks to himself.

He presses his lips against hers, it's soft and delicate, like he's afraid he'll break her. Which he is, he's afraid she'll break because of him. James would consider himself selfish, but he needs her so badly. He aches for her. All he has thought about was kissing her since they both woke up.

Avery breaks away, pulling herself back. She looks almost disappointed in him, like he should know better.

"Not here," She mutters. For a moment he swears his heart stops beating, like someone is wringing his heart out. He frowns a bit, not wanting Avery to see.

Avery can sense the dismay radiating off of him because she rises to her feet, dusting her black suit off. She reaches down, extending her hand out to her lover. He stares at it for a moment before taking it, Avery pulls him up to his feet.

"I said not here," She says, a ghost of a smile spread on lips as she turns to make her way to the door. James stays still, as he watches her walk away, his brows furrowed. Avery turns back to look at him, she raises an eyebrow, "Plus I need a shower."

His eyes widen, and Avery gestures him over. He trails behind her, as soon as they're out of sight from the outside world his lips are back on her.

Avery lets his hands roam as she preps the shower, quite a task considering the bunker is ancient. He peels her uniform off, a piece at a time and in between kisses. She lets him kiss her under the water raining down on them.

They don't give each other a chance to get dressed again, as their kisses grow more and more needy. James can't seem to keep his hands off of her, not that she minds. Her fingers as tangled in his wet hair, as he presses kisses down her neck. He's careful not to leave any marks, he's always careful not to leave any marks.

It feels like dream, to have time like this together. For so long they had settled for stolen glances and kisses when they thought no one was looking. It was rare when they could meet like this, where he had time to drink her in, kiss every single part of her.

Now, as she lays her head on his bare chest, she thinks about it.

"They would kill me if they found us out," She whispers so softly, a half asleep James almost misses it.

"Huh?" He asks, eyes still shut.

"If they knew about us," She says louder this time. "They would kill me."

James stays quiet for a moment as he thinks for a response.

"I won't let them," He finally replies. Avery sits up to look at him. She pulls the thin blanket that covers their naked bodies up to her chest. "Even if they keep me away from you, I will never let them hurt you. I promise you that."

Avery nods softly, she knows that's the best response he could have possibly given her. She seems content with it. Avery presses a kiss to his lips.

"I'll never let them separate us," She says, between kisses, "I'll always come back for you. I promise you that."

Avery doesn't have a word to describe the feeling she gets when he kisses her. Her brain gets fuzzy, not the way it does when they mess with her head, but she can't concentrate on anything except him. It's like the air that fills her lungs, it fuels her.

In fact, Avery can't seem to place a word to describe how she feels about him. How her heart swells when she sees him, or how she'll feel a rush of butterflies in her stomach with just a split second of eye contact from across the room. She doesn't know how to describe how she aches for him, how she craves him. Avery knows that there's a word to describe it all, she knows the english language is immense, and if she can't find it there Avery knows two other languages to search for that word.

Avery knows the word, it sits at the tip of her tongue as she dozes off to sleep. She knows there's a word, it just seems like she's forgotten it.

a/n: yes this is based of wildest dreams by taylor swift 😳 also i made this playlist with all the taylor swift songs avery has listened to.............. lol

written: april 20, 2021

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written: april 20, 2021

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