"Sorry, everyone," Ran apologized as she started pushing Conan away as the Detective Boys began yelling their goodbyes. Reiko was tagging along with the highschoolers, though, as she had permission to stay late. Plus, she was one of the few kids that Sonoko could stand long periods of time with. 

As they walked along the hall, Sonoko and Ran began discussing the play their school was going to be doing. 

"If he can go home in two or three days," Sonoko remembered. "That's just when school starts getting busy."

"If it's in three days, then that's when we're performing in the play," Ran noted. 

"What are you gonna do?" the highschool heiress asked. "You have to pick up this kid, but you'll be busy all day."

"I'll get my dad to help."

"So," Sonoko grinned a bit slyly, sharing a hidden smirk with Reiko. For some reason, those two always seemed to get along unusually well. Maybe it was the fact that they were partners in crime when it came to teasing the two lovebirds. "Did you tell him?"

"Who?" Poor Ran seemed so confused. 

"Shinichi!" Said boy looked nervous as Sonoko threw out his name like it was supposed to be obvious. "If he heard you're gonna be the main actress, he has to rush back to see it! Right, Reiko?!"

"Mhm!" Reiko nodded with enthusiasm, ignoring the exasperated glare she was receiving from Conan. 

"He won't do that," Ran smiled, shaking her head a little. "But... it doesn't matter anymore… I'll be happy so long as Conan can get better and come see the play." She looked down at the boy. "You will come, right?"

Sonoko and Reiko glanced at each other with raised eyebrows. Reiko, of course, knew what it was all about, but she was still young and didn't particularly understand the whole sexual tension thing. It was safe to say that while Reiko loved to ship people and get them together, she was by no means an expert on how actual relationships or romance worked. 

"Oh…" Conan looked a bit surprised as well as nervous as he answered. "I will…"

"What's this?" Sonoko looked at them with deadpanned confusion. "How come I sense something sappy?" Suddenly, she pointed lazily at a somewhat panicking Conan. "You're not taking your love for Shinichi and putting it on this kid, are you?"

"What are you talking about?!" Ran protested as Reiko snickered at her cousin's expression. 

"You heard her Reiko. She didn't deny anything," Sonoko leaned down to dramatically 'whisper' in the child's ear. "We need you to get your cousin here ASAP before Ran forgets about him!"

Reiko, in turn, gave the teenager a very serious salute.

"Aah, Sonoko-neechan!" Conan tried to divert the conversation away from him. "What happened to your wrist?!"

His blonde cousin could only narrow her eyes and pout at him for the sudden change in conversation. To which he, in turn, responded like a true adult and stuck out his tongue without anyone other than them noticing. 

Reiko placed a hand over her heart in offense. 

Much hurt. Very betrayal. 

"Oh, this?" Sonoko held up her bandaged wrist, falling for the diversion. "I sprained it during practice, so I can't play the knight anymore."

"But luckily, we have a great replacement," Ran was apparently choosing to look on the bright side of things. 

"Do we know them?" Reiko asked curiously, her attention now away from Conan. 

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