Chapter 1: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic

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Friday 6th September 1991

As Ayla got out of the carriage, she looked up and observed the castle standing majestically in front of her. The Academy was beautiful, very elegant, and it seemed like Ayla was in one of her books. This castle made her think about those grand French chateaux, with princesses and kings. It was pretty late in the evening, but Ayla could see at least four big round towers, and the rest of the castle had lots of wide windows. Beauxbatons was probably the most breath-taking place the young girl had ever seen. The building was surrounded by a beautiful garden, with plants Ayla had never seen before. In front of the Academy was a big statue of a young man and a stunning woman by his side.

Ayla followed the other students and walked towards the big door of the castle. They had been told to leave their belongings in the carriages, and that they would be transported in their dormitories. Ayla only kept her wand and her jumper that she was wearing over her uniform.

A few days ago, her and Remus went to Paris to buy Ayla's school supplies. You could find everything you needed in the Place Cachée in Paris. It was a small square hidden from muggles, accessed trough a bronze statue. First, Ayla bought her uniform in a shop called Maison Capenoir, then she went to Cosme Ajactor's wand shop to get her own very first wand. Her father insisted on getting her an owl so they could write to each other without using Remus'. Ayla chose a tiny grey owl and named it Vega.

Walking through the big door, Ayla looked up and saw beautiful paintings on the ceiling, representing different magical creatures and plants. A woman was calling for all the first-year students. A small group of eleven years olds gathered around her, waiting to know where to go. Ayla observed the older students as they were passing by and couldn't help but notice how pretty everyone was, which made her a little insecure. Soon, the hall was almost empty, except the first-years and the woman that gathered them.

"Bienvenue, welcome to Beauxbatons Academy of magic", announced the woman. "I am Professor Horia Tincel and I am teaching Charms class here at the Academy. We are about to enter the Dinning Chamber. You will notice that only one table is free, and that is because it's the First-Years' table. You can sit where you want at this table. The Headmistress will make a small speech before the feast starts, but you'll be able to eat soon don't worry! Follow me."

The professor guided the young students to a large room, from where you could hear the rest of the students chattering. The Dinning Chamber was nicely decorated, and the ceiling represented all the stars and constellations, with their names. Ayla looked at the seven long tables: the first one was empty, and at the others were sitting students. The ones from the closest table didn't seem much different, but they were getting older the more they were away from the First-Years' table. Ayla sat down and glanced at a smaller table she hadn't noticed yet. Professor Tincel was sitting there, along with other adults. In the middle, a very tall woman was looking at her newest students. She was very elegant and seemed intelligent, but also intimidating. She stood up and the chattering immediately stopped. Every student stood up too, to show respect to the Headmistress. The First-Years followed the movement.

"Sit down", said calmly the very tall woman, smiling to the younger students. "Bienvenue à Beauxbatons! I am Madame Maxime, the Headmistress of the Academy. I am very pleased to see all of you here today. This school's purpose is to educate young witches and wizards to become talented, smart, curious and cultured. I am sure you will love the seven years you are about to spend here. In case of any major or minor inconvenience, all members of the educating team and myself will be here to help you. First-years will be able to choose their options if they want to. Classes will start on Monday. You will be assigned your dormitories and timetables after the feast, but for now, let's eat. You can ask whatever you wish, and it will appear in your plates. Bon appétit!"

The Headmistress sat down and students started ordering their meals and chatting together. Ayla heard music started playing behind her and turned around. Wood nymphs were serenating students during the feast. Ayla looked at her empty plate and ordered an omelette. The food immediately appeared in her plate, so she started eating.

"Hello!" said the young girl sitting next to Ayla.

"Hi", answered Ayla smiling. She didn't have much friends growing up, probably because she was so different than muggle children, and she was hoping that it would change in this new school.

"I'm Amalia, and you?" asked the girl. She had long brown hair and deep blue eyes.

"Ayla, nice to meet you!"

"That's a pretty name, where is it from?"

"It's a Turkish name and it means "moonlight", but I don't think I'm actually Turkish", said Ayla, knowing what was going to happen.

"You don't know?" asked Amalia frowning her eyebrows, confused.

"No, I was adopted actually so I don't know my parents..." explained Ayla.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't think before talking" quickly apologized the young girl.

"It's ok I'm used to it" replied Ayla, trying to reassure her. "Anyway, my adoptive dad is British but we always lived in France, what about you?"

"I live in Spain with my family, in Barcelona."

The two young girls continued talking and eating, and Ayla was really happy she sat down next to Amalia. The Spanish girl was really nice and funny, she had a younger sister who was named Andrea and was five years old. Her granddad was a muggle and he used to make shoes. His daughter, Amalia's mom, worked in a clothes shop for witches and wizards. Amalia's dad was a journalist for a Spanish wizard newspaper. Amalia loved dancing and wanted to take dance as her option at the Academy. The two girls also introduced themselves to other students around them, especially the young boy sitting in front of Ayla. His name was Leo, he had messy brown hair, big blue eyes, and a bit of a French accent.

"Hey Leo, what are you most excited for at the Academy?" asked Amalia.

"I can't wait for classes to start, especially Charms. But outside of class, I really want to explore the castle and the gardens, it's so big!"

"Me too! I read a lot about Beauxbatons, but in real life it's even better" replied keenly Ayla.

"We should go explore the Academy together then" proposed Amalia.

"Great idea!" said Leo. 

And as easily as that, a friendship was born.

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