Before Betrayl (angst)

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a/n: okay this is romantic and bittersweet but enjoy guys :) 

(i got yall with the smut soon, but this is all i got rnnn)

You knock on the door, double checking the clock on the wall hoping you're on time. The door opens and you stumble as you feel yourself being pulled into the room and the door shuts behind you. There he is, standing in front of you. "Floch" You say smiling as you look into his bright hazel eyes. 

He doesn't say anything but he smiles back as he leans down and grabs your face to kiss you. He kisses you passionately, while holding your cheek and caressing it with his thumb. You pull away just enough to see him. 

"Y/N" he says in reply to when you had said his. He grabs you hand in his and holds it tight before placing a kiss on each of your somewhat bruised knuckles. 

You stare up at him, so madly in love with him. This Occurrence of visiting each other before a mission was not something new, you did this before every mission but this time he seemed different.

You tugged on his hand leading him to the bed in his room, it was empty as the recruits this year were small. You laid on the bed and patted the spot next to you, where he laid down next to you.

"It's nice, it's so quiet, like we're in nothing almost" you say staring up at the ceiling. Floch does the same, "I feel like nothing always means something with you" He says in reply. 

You smile at his reply, "there's a statistic that says like, you have a 1 in 500 chance of finding love." He stares into the ceiling deeply. "you're such a nerd," You hear him chuckle. "If that's you way of telling me that you love me then, y/n."

He turns facing you and you do the same.

"I love you too y/n." You smile as his words, and mouth them back to him. You flip to your side and snuggle into him, his head in the nook of your neck.

"Floch i feel like, forever wouldn't be that bad with you" you say quietly. "Forever, That's a long time i don't know" he says jokingly. 

You laugh with him, "Forever. The whole thing Floch, you know, life and all it's gifts."

"Y/n Forster" He says. 

You smile hard at the thought, " Floch, if we survive this I wanna get married." 

He didn't reply, he just kissed your neck, "So when then not if." you chuckle at his reply smiling.

Floch P.o.v

I knew what was gonna happen.

But I wanted this time with her, just now. She would probably hate me after, that's okay, i'm doing this for her, so she can be safe, maybe one day she'll forgive me.

I lifted my head slightly looking at her and the smile plastered on her face. she was so beautiful, just perfect. 

"Y/n?" I asked

She quickly turned slightly looking at me, "Do you want to have kids some day?" Maybe if she didn't we could work, we could be together and she wouldn't hate me.

Her eyes widened slightly at the question, "I never really wanted kids, they're annoying, and messy." She smiled and then continued looking at me, "But with you Floch? I would love that, that's something i want to experience with you Floch, I want a family with you." She said kissing my cheek and turning back around to cuddle.

All i could say was "I love you y/n." It would never be enough, she wouldn't forgive me. I couldn't tell if I was okay with that or not.

"I love you too Floch" she said, before grabbing my hand and holding it up to her lips and kissing it. 

She would be a great mom, too bad she'll never get the chance.

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