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Dont ask about the title this is what i would say if i was in labor 😭😭 Ok well have fun reading! i am watching Hamilton for the 200th time so this is a sign to watch it. okay bye!


~this will all be in 3rd person~


"WAIT BUT ITS NOT TIME YET" king screams on the verge of passing out. 

Honestly the only  ones who had their heads on straight were Ban, Elaine, the cap, and merlin. 

As Merlin was the only trusted "medic" they knew Diane was brought up to the bed they planned for her to give birth. 

Diane was nervous and in pain but she was excited for her children to finally enter this amazing world. 

King was trying his hardest to comfort Diane however, her giant strength really took form here as she nearly broke kings hand. 

Diane's water broke at about 9:30 pm. Diane however had a hard time dilating  and Merlin didn't  have anything to speed it up. 

Finally at around 3:50 AM Diane finally started pushing..

At 4:01 AM their beautiful baby girl was born. (y'all see what i did there?)

As Diane was ready to push again for the other baby, she started feeling weird she started yelling to merlin to put her in a perfect cube a size good for her giant form and put her outside. Merlin did so as she instantly knew why. 

King was confused but couldn't  put down his old a few minutes old daughter. He wrapped flower protection around the cube for extra safety so he felt like he was trying to help her. 

Merlin read that when fairies have twins the second comes hours after the first one is born. Diane might be a giant but the baby is a fairy. 

Merlin finally entered the cube and gave a Diane a pill to shrink her and she was also given a sedative to help her get through the next couple hours. 

12:10 pm the tavern was shaken to Diane screaming awake as she was already pushing with merlin getting here through it and King by her side the whole time. 

12:24 pm There beautiful baby boy was born into the world (please tell me you see what im doing) 

Merlin left the newly founded family to have some time to be a family. 

After about 30 minutes the sins couldn't wait any longer and they barged in on the family to see their new niece and nephew. However, in that very moment, Diane was feeding and everyone just froze and king yelped as he blocked Diane with his huge pillow giving her some privacy to finish. 

"i-im done you guys." Diane said quit tired as she tapped chastiefol to move as king gave Diane the power to also somewhat control Chastiefol. 

As the awkwardness subsided with Diane's comment, the girls quickly shuffled to the babies.

"what are their names?' ban asked standing over his nephew poking his check just thinking about how hell have one soon as well.

"well Ban we picked out 2 names that meant the most to us." king started. 

"this cutie in my arms is Delilah. She is names after my favorite flower. The first flower king showed me as a child." Diane spoke looking at king with nothing but love. 

*spoiler from season 5 i think*

"yup" King started, flashing a smile at his fiancé. "Now this handsome boy in my arms is named after a dear fried of mine that protected me till the end.... Meet Oslo!" King smiled down on his son.

Elaine quickly went to her brother tearing up hearing the name of the kingdoms beloved dog. 

"those are beautiful names" she teared up.

after an hour or 2 the sins left the room and Diane and king decided to sleep as they knew when the babies sleep they sleep.

King crawled into bed with Diane now cuddling with her head on his chest; "i love you so much my queen. You did so well today" King praised her as they quickly fell into a deep sleep.


AUTHORS NOTE- HOLY CRAP CHAPTERS BACK TO BACK!?!?! i know i knowwww but the faster i do this the faster i can begin my one shots 😌 ok well thats all remember to vote and comment i wanna know what your favorite amine is and then your favorite otp personally its Haikyuu ik ik lame and BOKUTO AND AKAASHI or the poly lovers bokuto, akaashi, Kenma, and kuroo cause thats amazing 😭😭😭 ok bye babiesssss



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