Suck it up Buttercup (Goodbye 2014)

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What the hell 2014? So it's gonna be like that, huh? We had a good thing going you and I. Good times and bad. Hope your younger sister 2015 is going to be more fun than you were. You weren't all fun and games. Too much drama for me. All those people talking out of their butt. All those cops misusing their authority. Too many people thinking that that means you can trash all cops. Those damn professional protesters looking for a fight and then crying when they find one. Really sad times those were. All those homeless and hungry people who nobody protested for. Too many people worried about other people's religion and sexuality. Too much hateful crap. Yeah, let's not buy stuff from that restaurant because the owners don't think the way we do. Or better yet let's take that team away from that guy because he said some things you don't like. That's some fucked up shit. Some of you cry about the "thought police" and government control and you guys are much worse. Digging into people's head and trying to punish them for what they think, not what they did. Seriously 2014, some people need to get a life. They need to quit complaining about shit and take some responsibility for their actions. Too many Monday morning quarterbacks that think they are so much smarter than anyone else. All high and mighty hiding in your Facebook world watching posts and videos and talking dammit...I'm describing me...disregard that last stuff.

Sorry I didn't give you a name in January. But thinking about it now I think I was going to name you "Buttercup". Don't ask me why cause I don't know. I just like the name.

Too much racial crap still. Hope your sister 2015 is colorblind.

Too much fear. Everyone so afraid of everybody.

Too much Facebook. Not enough faces or books.

Too many damn people in prison who are innocent! What the hell are they supposed to do after decades on the inside? What the flaming f**K is that about Buttercup? You better tell your sister 2015 to straighten that shit out. I'm serious. And yeah, tell her to free Nyki dammit. I'm not kidding. Do it.

Not enough dancing, Buttercup. I didn't see enough people dance. I don't dance one bit. But I get a kick out of people dancing and there was not enough. Hope in 2015 more people dance.

Not enough giving either. Some of you have so much. Too damn much. But you can't spare a penny for those that need it. Most need it through no fault of their own. You walk by the homeless and hungry without a thought. You made the year sad.

Not enough love, Buttercup. I swear there were moments where I though you might have outlawed it or something. There were days where love was no where to be found in you. You put love in a recession. Never a good idea.

But I guess you weren't all bad. Some good writing and great reading. Good family and friends. Wonderful wackadoodles on Facebook. Seriously wackadoodles some of you saved the day many times. Thanks for that. Thanks also Buttercup for all my new religious and atheist friends on Facebook this year. They don't get along with each other at all but it's okay, I believe in them in anyway. Made a bunch of cool friends this year. Thanks for that Buttercup.

I don't know how you survived, Buttercup. You were such big sloppy mixture of good and bad that I am surprised you made it to December. You were such a drama queen. You have only a few hours left before I pull the plug on you. I hope your sister 2015 is better. I'll name her soon. I hope leaving you makes everything better. I hope.

Suck it up Buttercup. It's time for you to go. I'm not gonna miss you much. Bye.

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