This is achieved when you get ⭐️⭐️⭐️ 3 gold stars in a row, and it starts over if you do not get gold star status that round. Also, another reminder, Ink Master status gets first in line for BoTW, and also other bonuses found in The Inner Workings chapter.

(To keep track of your Ink Master level, we will update each time you go up in our member's chapter)

ChelseaFrey - Level 4 Promotion

MarCafeWrites - Level 4 Promotion

StokelyTheCat - Level 3 Promotion

chrysthh -  Level 2 Promotion

Those with promotions to a new level, please message us with your chosen reward. You can find the rewards listed in our Inner Workings chapter.

 You can find the rewards listed in our Inner Workings chapter

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--Read 2 chapters of partner's book and 1 of BOTW

-- 3 In-line comments per chapter(BOTW and Partners)

-- 1 Final comment of 6 sentence minimum per chapter(BOTW and Partner)

-- Question of the Week is not mandatory, but does go towards BoTW chances and Ink Master status. It's also just a fun way to engage with your partner's book

-Start all comments with #TTBC and please mark your end of chapter comments with "End comment" or "Final Review" or something of the sort.

When you are done with your assignments, comment "Done" next to your name below with the chapters you have read and tag your admin.

To find out if you've earned a star for excellent feedback, look for a ⭐️ next to your name in the next round. If there is a star next to your name this round, that means you gave excellent feedback last round.

(Remember that receiving recognition three rounds in a row will grant you Ink Master status and every three consecutive rounds after will move you up a level.)

Congrats to chrysthh  and her book "Parfait" for getting BOTW this week!

Congrats to chrysthh  and her book "Parfait" for getting BOTW this week!

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