The Start -- Chapter One

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“Hey, pewds, do you play video games?” I asked the nerdy boy randomly trying to spark conversation as I picked up another pencil spinning it between my fingers. His head shot up and he smiled for the first time ever since tutoring me. I couldn’t help the blush that spread across my cheeks under my mask and I smiled dumbly back at him. Suddenly realizing he couldn’t see me, I mentally face-palmed. He nodded his head in response to my question. 

“Ah, cool, I guess. You wanna play? I got a console in my room here,” I said pointing  my thumb to the t.v hooked up in the corner of my room, turning slightly. The smile suddenly dropped from his expression and he scratched the back of his neck at an non-existing itch.

“Oh, um, aren’t we supposed to be studying though? Mr. Xander will want to check progre-”

“Oh c’mon! We have a ‘break’, don’t we?” I asked putting air quotes around ‘break’ already standing up. His eyebrows furrowed and his lips formed an insecure grimace as he stared up at my unnaturally tall figure.

“I-I guess...” he mumbled reluctantly looking to the floor, fumbling with his fingers. I grabbed his hand pulling it away from his other hand and dragged him over to the tiny sofa in my room. I stood up to turn on the t.v. and I grabbed a controller and threw it at him before turning on the console. He fumbled with it as he tried grasping at it, trying not to make it fall as he grabbed it mid-air. I put in Just Cause 2 quickly selecting multiplayer with the already turned on controller. I moved to sit down comfortably on the couch and he still stood awkwardly in the middle of my room, the controller in hand. I rolled my eyes and pulled him by the wrist slightly harshly as he fell onto the too-small-for-personal-space-almost-love-seat sofa... thing. 


I don’t really remember for how long we played causing random shit to blow up everywhere, and I don’t remember the time going from 5 p.m to 7 p.m but somewhere midway, we reached an intriguing conversation over which was the best fps game, only to end up arguing over best fragging techniques. We then proceeded to laugh like idiots after pewds said something about trying to stab someone in the balls because it gave the best effect. I asked him what if it was a girl. He smirked saying you’d get bonus points if you stabbed and it didn’t hurt her. After that I remember falling down on my bed rolling around laughing until my stomach hurt.

As soon as the laughter subsided, there was an awkward silence. 

{third person p.o.v starts here}

“Why aren’t you like this at school?” the blonde asked hesitantly, suddenly realizing he was still in the presence of the schools most feared bully. Cry’s shoulder sulked and he turned around, his back facing away from the nerdy individual. 

“You wouldn’t understand,” he muttered under his breath, suddenly digging his nails into his forearms as a common habit he did in distress. 

“But, everyone’s constantly terrified of you... why do you do that to yourself?” Pewds asked a bit boldly. Apparently too bold for Cry’s liking.

“Leave,” he muttered.

“Wha- Why?” Pewdie asked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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