Bonus Chapter - I

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The pile of paperwork in front of him doesn't matter right now, for Dazai Osamu is too busy with more important matter at hand. As unbelievable as it seems, he is reflecting on his mistake. His mistake being -

Flashback to the night -

"Osamu, where did you keep the Ice-cream? I want to eat it."

"Oh that. I just finished it in the afternoon. We don't have any left."

That was the only thing Dazai said before he heard the loud sound of door shutting close. He thinks that Chuuya might be having a bad day. So he decides to talk about it later over dinner, guessing Chuuya needs some time judging from the way he closed the door of the training room. But he didn’t get to talk much as Chuuya preferred to have dinner while watching TV. Dazai could sense the tense atmosphere but he knows better than to disturb Chuuya while he is watching his favorite shows. So he lets him be, deciding to talk about it during their cuddle session before sleeping. After the dinner, much to Dazai’s horror, Chuuya goes straight inside their room leaving the dishes to him. Dazai whines, trying to get Chuuya’s attention. But to Dazai’s disbelief, Chuuya doesn’t budge, at all.

Dazai finishes washing the dishes and finally walks into the room, seeing Chuuya already in bed and under the blanket. He could sense that Chuuya is pissed, but he cannot exactly pinpoint the reason. ‘Was it work?’, He wonders. Nonetheless, he decides to ask him, but first, cuddles. He settles on the bed beside Chuuya while pulling him close spooning him from back, his hands wrapping around Chuuya's torso. To his surprise, Chuuya wasn't wearing any t-shirt. Dazai gulps, his hands trailing down Chuuya's body only to find that he is just in his boxers. Holy shit! And he feels excited already. He pulls Chuuya flush to his chest, his hands tracing soft patterns over Chuuya's chest, his voice calling out Chuuya’s name a soft and desperate murmur against Chuuya's ears as he slowly starts to kiss his neck. Chuuya turns around to face him, smiling, as he slowly pushes his hand under Dazai's t-shirt, roaming them around his body and sliding it down until he stops it on that delicate place, teasing him a little. Dazai moans, trying to pull Chuuya closer if that was even possible while his hand tugs at his soft ginger locks and other hand slide down Chuuya's back coming to rest dangerously low on his back, caressing the dimples on Chuuya's lower back gently. Dazai leans closer, his face mere millimeters apart from Chuuya's as he drowns himself in those sapphire-blue eyes. He could feel Chuuya's soft breath on his lips, intoxicating as ever sending shivers down his spine and he leans in to kiss those sweet lips, but,  

"Osamu," Chuuya stops Dazai, pushing him back and towering over him instead. Chuuya leans in close, bringing his face near Dazai's ear, his cool breath brushing right past Dazai's ear. And Dazai's heart races at an incredible speed, feeling dizzy from their close proximity, until,

"You. Are. Taking. The. Couch. Tonight." Chuuya whispers, each word soft and distinct, and just like that he is off of Dazai, quickly putting on pajama that he had basically kept beside his pillow, which Dazai failed to notice.

"Chuuyaaa! B-but why?! What did I do?!" he gapes at his lover, trying to recall every prank he had pulled within a month that could have possibly upset Chuuya, but he couldn't think of one "Please Chuuya, don't do this." He pleads, trying to use his puppy eyes. But Chuuya doesn't melt. Instead, he kicks Dazai out of the room, showing enough mercy to give him a blanket and pillow.

"That's what you get for eating my share of Ice-cream as well." Chuuya shouts as he closes the door on his face, not even glancing at him a second look. And Dazai spends the whole night on the sofa, writhing, groveling, wallowing in frustration.

The morning is painful and cold for Dazai. He is woken up from his sleep by the loud noise of utensils, all courtesy of Chuuya. But the torture doesn't end there as he is given cold shoulder by Chuuya in the morning. The pain in his back from uncomfortable sleeping wasn’t helping at all. Dazai didn't know that a stupid Ice-cream could prove to be the cause of this rift between them. He was not being dramatic at all. Being without Chuuya during work hours is already frustrating for him. How he is supposed to survive the cold shoulder? Chuuya even left for work without saying bye to him. But there was breakfast and coffee prepared for him, also his bento was packed as usual, the only indication that Chuuya wasn’t going to break up with him over Ice-cream. Dazai smiles, a sense of relief washing over him. He arrives at the Agency, clinging on to the sense of relief which is shattered the moment he opens his Bento to check the dish. Bento full of vegetables and no meat in sight, now that is a sign that Chuuya is thoroughly pissed and Dazai needs to apologize.

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