Chapter 1 [EDITED]

Start from the beginning

"I think everyone knows that Diamond's a people pleaser. Saying no and trying to do things for herself is difficult. She feels happy when she helps people, whether they need her or not. Then this innocence about her stuck with her for who knows how long. Somehow she doesn't know a lot about kinks, sex, and how all that works. Even though she's a year or two younger than me. If Diamond trusts you and knows you're okay with it, she's a fucking teddy bear. She doesn't want to make anyone she cares about uncomfortable but loves showing them affection. Hugs, cuddles, sending gifs and's her expertise in a way. That's probably not what you want to know." Touya scowled at himself and his lovesick-sounding for the monologue.

"It's a start..." The detective answered reassuringly as he finished jotting down simplified notes of Dabi's reply. "The last time I saw I have to tell you everything? It's kinda..." Drool formed in the villain's mouth and his pants tightened as flashbacks of that night flooded back into his mind. "Personal?" Tsukauchi's voice snapped the villain out of his daze. "Huh? Oh, something like that." Dabi murmured. "Alright then...simplify it for me. Whatever you want to share, especially anything you think might be helpful for the case. That information is exactly what we're looking for." Tsukauchi offered calmly.

"To simplify it...the last time I saw her was the five-year anniversary day since Diamond first came to Japan..."

(Flashback to 5 weeks ago, Dabi's POV, 3rd Person)

Dabi tapped on his phone a few times as he lit the candles set up with his fingers. A satisfied smirk graced his lips as the intense saxophone from "Careless Whisper" by George Michael filled the room.

Jaclyn Perry's face flushed a dark red as she teleported into her room from the agency. "Touya, what are you doing here? What is-" She stammered at the surprise. "I'm surprised you don't remember, baby. It's been five years since you came to Japan. You were the one who told me, after all." He chuckled. "This is fifth sweet, but I had a long day at the agency. I'm going to-"

(End of Flashback)

The detective scrunched his face up with disappointment. His hope that something more useful would come out of the villain's mouth was completely depleted. "That's it?" His voice cracked in annoyance, "She didn't tell you anything during that time? Just sexual activity?" Tsukauchi asked formally. "First of all, the way you say that is so old school, I'm dying. Second, she said that she was going to go back to the states in a few months to visit family. We cuddled and talked about random shit after. She likes cuddling after I-"

"Those details aren't necessary." The detective interrupted hastily. His hand started to cramp as he finished writing down more simplified notes of Dabi's answer. "Gotcha," Touya muttered. He sighed at his thoughts wandering back to that conversation. "I think that she doesn't want to get me involved with her family in the states since she didn't want me to go with her. I thought it would be nice to finally meet her family. I can't blame her for not wanting to be judged for an on-and-off thing with a guy like me." The detective nodded sympathetically.

"The fear of being judged is common. I'm sorry to inform you but I have one more condition." Tsukauchi explained, "We'll be having more visits like this to get more updated information from an indirect source-" Dabi groaned, "Me, right?" Detective Tsukauchi nodded again. "At least you'll be working with a familiar face on an investigation of your own." He smiled optimistically.

The detective slid his business card across the desk to Dabi and removed his restraints. "We'll keep in touch. Call this number in between our next talk if you find anything we could use for the case. You're free to go."

"Are you sure about that?" Touya squinted at the detective skeptically. "Yes, you are free to go. More sessions like these will be more thoroughly organized and scheduled until any drastic changes come up." Detective Tsukauchi reiterated. "What is this, a movie?" Dabi scowled at the ceiling. "Sometimes my life feels like it..." The detective muttered with an insipid look on his face as the villain left the building.

The same day, 3 hours earlier...

"Bakugou, look!" The bubbly alien, Mina Ashido, exclaimed to one of her friends, Katsuki Bakugou during their school's lunch period. Her black eyes focused on the boy with anger issues while the rest of her friends chatted about the article on her phone. "It's really interesting, Kacchan! I don't think you'd want to be the only one who doesn't know about it." Denki Kaminari teased, glancing up at the tense blonde. "What the fuck do you want, raccoon eyes?! Walmart Pikachu?!" Bakugou barked in annoyance. "Guys, calm down. It's not something to make a big deal out of, Bakubro." His supportive boyfriend, Eijirou Kirishima, interrupted soothingly.

Hanta Sero scowled at Kirishima's words but scooted over on the grass so Bakugou could sit with them anyway. "¡Callate Kirishima! ¡No comprendas el problema!" Sero argued defensively. "My fucking mentor just vanishes and no one does shit about it!" He yelled and crossed his arms. Mina snatched Sero's bag of weed gummies before he could pop one in his mouth. "It's been hard on him." She frowned at Bakugou as Kyouka Jirou sat with them. "What's been hard on-ohhh. That." Jirou blurted while holding hands with her girlfriend, Momo Yaoyorozu.

"How did all of you figure this out before me?!" Katsuki complained, unamused with being out of the loop. "Well, you've been more focused on your studies than usual. But I think that's a good thing." Momo answered tentatively. "Maybe you could tutor us!" Mina suggested brightly. "I don't have time for that, raccoon eyes!" Bakugou barked, irritable as ever. "Well, I heard that this is the first time in UA history they're allowing students to make contributions to a direct investigation. Aizawa-sensei said something about it towards the end of homeroom. I managed to jot down some notes about how it's going to work-"

"You had that written down? That's so cool, Yaomomo!" Kirishima exclaimed excitedly. "Whoa!" Denki gasped in shock. "Maybe you could apply, Sero!" The bubbly pink alien suggested supportively. The taping hero student nodded, lost in thought. "Maybe I will." He replied. "Let me see that!" Bakugou insisted crudely, yanking the sheets of paper out of Momo's hands. The blonde skimmed her tidy handwritten notes before handing them back to her. "That's a lot of work for one internship," Jirou commented observantly, taking a look at her girlfriend's notes. "This is a special case, sweetheart. If the case goes well, the student participants get credit for their contributions and the opportunity to advertise their skills to hero agencies!" Yaoyorozu gushed enthusiastically.

"I want to apply. If this is open for all UA students, then I'm not surprised that damn Deku will apply too. I need to beat him at getting that opportunity to show I'm the best." Bakugou decided with a cocky smirk. "I...I think I want to apply too. It's the least I can do for everything my mentor has done for me." Sero confirmed tentatively. "We'll be more than happy to help you guys out, right?!" Kaminari cheered. "Absolutely!" The others agreed. It felt almost as if a blue moon showed faintly in the sky when Katsuki Bakugou shook Hanta Sero's hand. "Don't get too sentimental about this shit, let's murder the competition with our skills." He said, radiating pride. "Yeah. Let's take this opportunity ours!" Sero agreed with a sudden surge of confidence.

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