Chapter 1 [EDITED]

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(TW: Profanity [duh], LGBTQ+ couples [my OTPs <33] and out of character moments.

If you don't like these, you chose the wrong Dabi fanfiction to read. I'm warning you that this is also a long ass first chapter. I recommend that you read it in chunks at a time so you don't get overwhelmed if you aren't a fast reader like me.

Play the song at the "*'" point for the best experience because it might ruin the chapter vibes if you play it from any other point in the story. But that's completely up to you. ALL of my suggestions [song related ones included] are 1,000,000% optional, you don't have to take them seriously. (>3<)

Without further adieu, if none of these things bother you, read to your heart's content!)

Chapter 1

"What is this, a movie?"

5 weeks later...

Detective Tsukauchi opened the door to his office and sat at his desk. He took out a notebook and flipped to a blank page while observing the villain, Dabi, growling with his restrained hands. The detective took the pencil off his ear and held it over the paper, ready to take note of any important information this interrogation might evoke.

"Do you know why you're here by yourself, Dabi?" Tsukauchi questioned casually. "I fucked your bitch?" He snarled sarcastically. The detective chuckled at the reply, amused. "I'm too dedicated to my work to be dating. Touya Todoroki, you are here on account of your various crimes. Kidnapping, trespassing, destruction of property, and second-degree murder to name a few." The villain's turquoise eyes twinkled with frustration and anger at his disadvantaged position. "I'm not going to prison," Dabi murmured with a huff, angrier that the detective knew his real name compared to anything else.

"You're right. You won't go to prison and your name will stay confidential if you help me with answering these questions." Detective Tsukauchi explained calmly. "If I don't?" Touya smirked mischievously. "5 years jail time or more, I can promise you that much." The detective replied. He smiled slightly at the discomfort the fiery villain felt in his chair. His plan to solve this case was working. "I am leading an important case. Since you were brought in, you probably haven't seen the news so I'll fill you in."

Dabi watched as the witty detective took out a file from his desk, opened it, and took out a poster. "Princess..." He whispered. "You know the unbreakable hero Diamond. right?" The villain nodded hesitantly. "Well, she went missing 5 weeks ago. After her disappearance, more heroes and villains have been vanishing as well. We haven't found a lead on where she and the others who disappeared might be. Until you were suggested by a member of our staff." Tsukauchi informed him in detail.

"I believe that the public doesn't see it, but you have a closer relationship with her than they realize. Is that correct?" Touya tensed at the blatant statement. You have a closer relationship with her than they realize. He thought, overwhelming himself.

"Yeah, yeah," He grumbled slowly. "I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable, but we also need this formal agreement in writing. So if you could please sign your name on this line on these two pages, alias or real name. Your choice." The detective took out the documents and a pen, putting them on a clipboard before removing Dabi's restraints. "This is some serious shit if it needs my signature, isn't it?" The villain chuckled sardonically. "Well important members of our society going missing has to be serious." Detective Tsukauchi replied and placed the clipboard on the villain's lap, "If you could sign here-"

"This doesn't mean I support cops and heroes, okay? I'm still as acab as it gets." Dabi snarled after writing his signature. "I never said otherwise." The detective answered and accepted the documents. "The disappearances are all connected to Diamond somehow. According to the bits and pieces of evidence we have, they have to be. That's why we need you, Dabi. Tell me everything you know about her. Er, as much as you are comfortable with. The last time you saw her. Please be as detailed as you can." Detective Tsukauchi requested, trying to be as accommodating as he could.

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