The students continue through the race using the quirks to increase there odds of winning. As they are running the track is filled with robots from the entrance exam. All of the students stop in there tracks and look at the robots in front of them thinking how will they get past. "Are those the zero point robots from the practical test" kaminari shouts. Everyone else starts talking and shouting about it but then they stop and look as ice begins to cover the robots And todoroki starts running in between the robots legs. One student shouts "we can run through there legs but before anyone can they feel wind blow them back and stop them from progressing. Momo looks to her right and sees y/n causing the problem "what are you doing y/n" she asks him sounding a bit annoyed that she can't progress "I'm saving a lot of there lives" he replies. She goes to say something but is cut of by the sound of the zero point robots falling. She looks back at y/n who give her a smile and starts running through the robots.

The students all start fighting or dodging the robots to catch up. Sero uses his tape to fly over, bakugo uses his explosions, momo creates a cannon and a lot more students start using there quirks to destroy the robots and get through. Once that is done they all start running again until they all come to a stop at a high pit that has platforms that are connected by ropes. Momo, uraraka and Mina think about how to pass as y/n starts walking to the edge "y/n what you doing?" Mina asks as he turns around to look at them but with out saying a word he just drops down the hole "what the hell is he doing!" Mina shouts as she, momo and uraraka look down the pit to try and spot y/n but to no avail. As they are doing that asui jumps across the ropes and a girl with pink hair cover in gadgets start going across the pit causing them to forget about what y/n just did and carry on with the obstacle course. As momo is passing the canyon using pole vaults she thinks about y/n 'why did he do that he can't win now... he must have a plan but I need to focus' by now all the students were into the last obstacle

They come up to a big field that is filled with mines. The students start running todoroki is using his ice and is still in first place but bakugo is close behind him. He flies up to todoroki and starts fighting for first place while the other students try to use there quirks to get past the field quicker but in the back midoriya is collecting mines. After a little while todoroki and bakugo are close to the end of the mine field but out of no where they hear *BOOM* a huge clouds of pink forms and coming out of it is midoriya who is now over bakugo and todoroki but they chase after him forgetting there fight. As they are about to pass midoriya he places his feet in there backs and flings the piece of metal he was carrying from the robots in front of them, this causes them two to stop as midoriya is punched to first place and enters the tunnel to the finish line "And midoriya has entered first place but bakugo and todoroki are close behind who is gonna win" present mic shouts but in the tunnel midoriya is about halfway but out of no where he feels a presents next to him as he looks he sees y/n who give him a quick punch to the face causing him to fall over, this gives y/n enough to time to exit the tunnel "and in first place it is Y/N but where did he come from" present mic shouts in shock of seeing the student. The crowd waits a couple of seconds before cheering him on. Then midoriya exits and is cheered on. He looks at y/n and thinks 'when did he get next to me, I remember him falling near the drop' the other students start coming through the gate. As momo passes the gate she looks at y/n and quickly walks up to him. She doesn't say anything but lightly hits him on his arm "don't scare me like that you idiot" she pouts as y/n dose a small smile "sorry that I scared you but I came first at least" momo told her head to look at him "but you fell down the pit, I saw you, so how did you do it?" Y/n leans in to momo's ear "a magician never reveals his tricks, cutie" as y/n says that momo starts to blush even more and looks away. All the students go to the centre of the arena too hear there next event. "Now then here are the standings" midnight shouts as the names pop up on screens around the arena. Every one looks up at the screen and sees the 42 students that passed. "Now let's see what event you will take part in next is... cavalry battle" midnight point to the screen as students start talking about the event. Midnight starts to talk gaining everyone's attention "students will be in teams of 2 to 4 people, like an ordinary cavalry battle but every student has been assigned points from there places in the obstacle course" "so it is point based like the entrance exam" sato exclaims "so that means every team will be worth different points" uraraka says as Mina looks at her. "Now ten the points will work like this, they will go up in increments of five, 42nd place will be 5 points, 41st will be 10 but the point value for the person in first place is 10 million" as midnight finishes her sentence everyone looks at y/n thinking the same thing "so all we have to do is beat his team" "now for the rules, everyone on the teams point will be on a head band, the goal will be to get as many head bands as possible to rack up points but these head band must be worn on your neck so the more you get the harder it will be to see and you can keep playing till times up" midnight announces the rules as the students start talking about the event "So of you lose your head band at the beginning you have more time to make up a plan?" Mina asks as tsu looks over at her "I don't know Mina, maybe we should wait and see how the teams turn out before strategising" "Now then you have 15 minutes to make your team" midnight says as she smacks her whip but before anything happens y/n raises his hand "yes y/n?" Midnight questions y/n "I just wanted to ask if I could be a team on my own I mean last place tied so there is an odd amount, no one will want to be on my team and I work better on my own, so I just wanted to see if I could have an exception to be on my own" everyone looks at y/n with looks of confusion or annoyance but before anything can happen midnight speaks up "well normally I would say no but due to the circumstances and your confidence then sure you may be on your own"
Time skip
(Y/n POV)
After the time is up the teams are made up and everyone is waiting for the game to commence. After a couple of seconds present mic starts counting down "3 2 1, start" everyone starts running at at full speed I see some people from class 1- b coming my way and one uses a type of quicksand quirk to make me fall into the floor so I force blood into my feet and cause an updraft of wind to push myself out and into the sky where I use the wind to slowly carry me down. As I land I see shoji running up to me but out of no where I see a tong and purple balls coming towards me. I easily evade them and jump back into the air but as I am going up I see bakugo launch at me with his explosions but as he is about to reach me I mix wind with ice that causes him to freeze in certain parts of his body but his hands are completely frozen stopping his quirk. As he starts to descend tape grabs as pulls him back to his team where Mina create acid to get rid of the ice covering him. As I land back on the ground everyone starts going for others peoples head band instead during this time I run around grabbing a few low point head bands but as the timer nearly reaches its end I see ice cover the field and a lot of people feet. I stand near the edge of the arena and see 3 teams surround me. I look and see todoroki's team midoriya's and bakugo's. Then ice begins to emit from todoroki as he creates two walls to keep us in. As I stand there I see Dark shadow come towards me so I create a wall of fire to block him but on my right side I see tape coming in my direction so I duck under it as I lift up I see a punch from bakugo coming my way so I create a wall out of the ground to block him but as I move a bit closer to todoroki I see ilda start to do something and then I see his engines light up as blues flames emit from them, then he is launched at me but I already planned for something like this. As he reaches and grabs my headband I just stand there and then sit down and watch the others fight for the headband. I see midoriya and his team go in for the head band using dark shadow but when he sees the headband they see it is the wrong one so they go for another attack but then bakugo flies in for the headband but as they are about to reach todoroki "that's it" bakugo land on the floor and screens in anger as everyone else starts relaxing now it's over. Then present mics voice booms out "now it's time for the scores in first place is wait, what it's y/n" all the other teams look at me as I run the low point head band on my head and the numbers seem to magically change to the 10 million. 'When and how did he do that' all of the others think at the same time but present mic voice starts to blast out from the speakers "in second place is team todoroki, then in third is team bakugo, in fourth is team shinso and in fights is team midoriya" after the announcements all go and have food before the final event as I am walking through the empty hall way I feel something soft on my cheek as I turn my head I see momo looking at me with a little blush "oh hey momo, you did good in that last event" "thanks y/n I thought we won but no you just had to go and pull another trick again didn't you" she says jokingly but pouts at the end " yeah I guess I did but I thought something like that was gonna happen so I planned ahead" I say as I grab her waist and pull her into me " well at least we both made it through but we should go get food" she goes to walk off but before she can I grab her hand causing her to look back but as soon as she sees me she feels our lips connect. After about fifteen seconds we part and head to get food and a bit of rest before the next event.

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