Start from the beginning

"You had sex with Jason, didn't you?"

The blunt question clearly caused Aaliyah no end of mortification. A scarlet flush cascaded over her entire face and neck.


"You dirty little minx!" Samantha practically shouted, jumping out of her seat.

Aaliyah glanced around nervously. The people closest to them were starting to stare, and she couldn't really blame them. Samantha had been loud and none too subtle.

"Samantha, will you quiet down?"

Rolling her eyes, Samantha grabbed Aaliyah by the elbow and dragged her down the hall and into the employee's lounge.

"This confirms it, right? You told him about you?" Samantha asked.

"Well, not exactly..."

Samantha could only stare with her mouth agape.

"You can't be serious?" Samantha said coldly.

"Yes, but—"


"Will you stop berating me for one second and just listen to what I have to say?" Aaliyah asked.

Samantha huffed and said, "Fine, what?"

"Jason invited me over for dinner tonight at his place," Aaliyah explained. "I'm telling him everything tonight, okay?"

"You're really going to tell him?" Samantha stammered, becoming wide eyed with surprise as her anger was now forgotten.

A smile slowly spread over Aaliyah's lips, and despite her best efforts, tears formed in her eyes. "I am," she sniffled. "But I'm scared, Samantha. I'm scared because I think I'm in love with him. What if he wants to break things off afterwards?"

Samantha smiled warmly, embracing her friend. "It's all going to work out fine. I promise," she reassured softly.


"So what's this amazing recipe you're whipping up for us tonight?" Aaliyah asked from the passenger seat. She turned and met Jason's brief gaze as he took his eyes off the road for a few seconds to look at her.

"Baked Courgetti and wild mushroom risotto," he answered with a proud smirk to his face.

"Oh? Sounds fancy," she mused, smiling.

"The recipe is in the glovebox. Check it out."

When Aaliyah opened the glove department there was a pistol. She went pale. Memories of Nathan pressing his gun to her forehead flashed through her mind. She swallowed hard and slammed the glove box shut and glanced out the passenger side window.

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