Summer Love (Ghost!Luke x Alive!Reader) Final Part

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 The performance was much better than anyone could think of, everyone laughing as they walked towards the house, Julie excusing herself and headed towards the studio. [y/n] hummed lowly, assuring the other two she'd go check on her in a few minutes, letting Jules have a few minutes to herself, knowing what she was doing. Quickly, she had changed into something more comfortable, before making her way out to the studio, telling the two not to wait up for them. She couldn't help but slow down, coming to a full stop when she reached the studio, her heart beating fast as she took a few deep breaths to try and calm herself down, only to grow confused when she saw a quick flash of glow from inside.

[y/n] couldn't believe what was happening in front of her. The boys were glowing, almost like they were coming back alive in a sense. Her eyes going wide, is this what they needed to defeat Caleb with? Tears slowly pouring down her face when she realized it was indeed the missing piece her friends and her were looking for.

"I feel stronger!" Luke couldn't help but be excited, catching er standing by the doors.

"Group hug!" [y/n] didn't know how she got dragged into the middle of the group hug, but she wasn't going to complain as she held onto Luke.

"I wonder if this will work on Willie.." Alex couldn't help but try to be positive, as the group broke off, Luke's arms not leaving her waist, as he held her close. "It's worth a shot, right [y/n]?" Alex had hope in his eyes as they turned to look at the girl. The expression on her face, made them unsure and quite nervous for her answer.

"Its not gonna have the same effect, there will be complications.." looking over at him, she couldn't help but grin, "But, it'll work. An, I'll need your guys help to make it work." her tone turned serious, all of them instantly agreeing, not knowing exactly how this plan would go off, and she knew if they would find out what exactly she planned, they would a hundred percent disagree with it. Grabbing her phone, she leaned back against Luke, calling Rex once more.

"Come on...answer you prick.." murmuring to herself as it continued to ring, before he finally picked up. Not even giving him the chance to speak, "Plan is complete, I found the final missing piece. Tell the others the plan is a go for tomorrow night at the spot." Smiling softly as she shooed Luke away from kissing her neck.

"Are you serious? That's great! I'll let them know. Rest up Queen, you'll need it." Before he hung up, ignoring the little questionable looks from Luke. Reassuring him, that what planned usually took up a lot of energy. It was true to a point, she wasn't fully lying to him, it would take up ninety-nine percent of her energy.

"Well the bands back, congrats guys." changing the topic, as excitement filled the air once more. The girls hanging around a little longer in the studio before calling it a night, bidding the boys a goodnight as they headed into the house.

"Never thought my little cousin would have powers, let alone that one." ruffling Julies hair softly, chuckling lightly, Julie couldn't help but ask what she meant about that. Falling back onto [y/n]'s bed, she placed her bag next to the bed before joining her cousin on the bed,

"You have the same power grandfather did. We call it the 'Light of Life.' The name is pretty much self explanatory, not everyone can possess that power. Its rare and even rarer for two members of the same family to have it." She explained, leaning back next to her.

"Now that the boys have felt the power, they'll slowly become human again." murmuring out quietly, as she sighed.

"That's good though, right? They can finally make their dream come true."

"Yeah in a sense, we both know they're too stubborn to cross over at this point even with the opportunity in front of them." Staying in silence for a little, [y/n] sighed, "Get some sleep Jules, we're gonna need it for tomorrow night."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2021 ⏰

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