18. C'mon

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  ''C'mon!'' I pulled Paul into a closer embrace.

  I traced my index finger along Paul's perfect jaw-line. I picked up his chin and layed little kisses all over his most-admirable face. Then when I kissed his chin, I gently trailed my desperate lips on his wet, begging ones. I slowly, yet greedily, slid my tongue through his soft, plum kisser and Paul hungrily took it into his mouth. He licked the bottom and top of my tongue and sucked the flesh with aroused moans, helplessly escaping his long-desired mouth. I licked the entire insides of his mouth and danced with his tongue. To my amazement, Paul's moans became more prominent and wanting as he gradually started grinding against my now hard-on. I gasped and moaned into his mouth. My right hand unintentionally snaked under his shirt and up, onto his pale chest; my left hand crawled in his thick, black hair and, entangling my fingers through, I stroked and pulled. I began to groan in pleasure. The goodness of Paul around me just drove me insane. I longed for his touch. I craved for his adoration. The addictive feelings that came with Paul McCartney. I un-knowingly started pushing against his hard, screwing cock. In this crazy state, I was suddenly interrupted by Paul as I realized that something was wrong.

  Paul had frozen. 

  "What is it, Paul?" I asked, slightly annoyed, dazed by serious arousal.

  "Wait... Listen," he put a finger on my lips, eyes focused on the window.

  "What?" I whispered.

  "SHH!!" he frowned.

  And then I heard what he was hearing.

  Pebbles on the window and keys at the door.

  Both at the same time.

  I stopped breathing.

Sorry for the late update and a short chapter after a long wait, but still, 

THANK YOU FOR READING. And keep on doing so. 

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