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The next day, Daisy got up when it was still dark. She dressed in her orange gi and combed her hair into its usual bob before placing her crown carefully on top. Then, she got up her bo staff and snuck down the hall towards the kitchen, hoping to grab a snack before going to meet Birdonna. 

Unfortunately, Toadobuki was sitting on the counter, boiling some tea, when she walked in. 

"What are you doing up so early?" she demanded. 

"It's healthy to get up early," Toadobuki said wisely. "Half the day gets wasted when you sleep in late." He pushed a small cup filled with steaming liquid towards her. "Care for some tea?" 

Daisy tasted it and almost gagged. It was horribly bitter. "Pass on the rest," she gasped. 

"Very well. Good luck out there." Toadobuki sipped his own tea. "If you succeed...I will reward you." 

Daisy frowned. " 'Succeed'? What do you mean? I've already beaten Birdonna twice." 

Toadobuki grinned mysteriously. "I'm not talking about Birdonna." 

Daisy continued to frown as she left the dojo and hiked down the hill. O-kay. What was with that geezer, giving her cryptic clues? Best not to think about it, though. She needed to focus on the task at hand: getting to the meeting place without getting eaten by a jungle cat. 

The old creek was somewhere behind the village, in the thick jungle growth. It took almost half an hour to get there. Fortunately, no jungle cats were out. They must have all been asleep. 

Calling it a creek was being generous. Toadobuki had told her that something was blocking the creek's source, so it had narrowed down to a trickle. It was true. Only a thin stream of water was flowing down the weedy ditch now. Daisy was careful to keep away from it as she reached it. Be on even ground, that was the key to winning a fight. 

The hoots of owls and night animals filled the air as Daisy circled slowly, anticipating attack from all directions. Sweat dribbled down her back. Her hands shook. She didn't know why Birdonna had asked her to meet out here...couldn't she have chosen a nice, safe area? Like in the middle of the village? 

"Birdonna?" Daisy asked hesitantly. "Are...are you there?" 

No answer. Then - 

Bonk! Something clocked Daisy on the head. She spun around to see things flying towards her. She backed up. An Egg Barrage? No...clubs! They were clubs! Like the ones she'd used at gymnastics practice!  

Daisy spun her bo staff like a fan, knocking the projectiles into the grass. The attack stopped. Daisy panted, squinting up into the trees. The air was foggy. What was going on? 

Suddenly, a loud snapping sound, like one from a whip, lit the air. A ribbon flew down, wrapped around Daisy's staff, and yanked it out of her hands before she had time to react. She gasped as she watched it fly up into the foggy darkness.  

"Hey - !" she began - only to be cut off as another barrage of clubs flew down from the trees. Daisy rolled through the grass as the projectiles pummeled the mud behind her. 

"Why you!" The princess grabbed up a couple of fallen clubs and launched them towards her attacker. Daisy knew they'd hit their mark when a squeal of pain came out of the fog. 

"BIRDONNA!" Daisy yelled. "Is that you up there? Knock it off!" 

A shadow above shifted, and Daisy saw, indeed, Birdonna up in the trees. The Birdo was clothed in a bright pink leotard with purplish sequins. She eased along a thin branch with the confidence of an Olympic gymnast. In one hand, she held the end of a ribbon. In another, she held Daisy's bo staff. And in between two of the toes on her right foot, she held a couple of clubs.  

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