Eternity Part 2

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A/N: Hey everyone! Hope you guys liked the last chapter. So what follows angst? Fluff, of course. And there wasn't much fluff in the last chapter. So, I hope this chapter makes up for it. On with the chapter!

11th August 2009....

Draco groaned as he turned in his sleep. His eyes opened just a little bit to see Hermione sleeping, her back towards him.

He sighed as he realised what had woken him up.

Her pointy elbows, what else?

Hermione always used to shift back towards him in her sleep, and it was fine with him. In fact, Draco even liked it, but the only problem with that was the fact that she would always hit him with her elbows, unintentionally of course.

And rather than mentioning this to Hermione, in case she decided to hex him or something, Draco decided to solve the problem himself.

After all, he was the Brightest Wizard of his Age, wasn't he?

So just like he had thought to do, the blond wizard shifted forwards until his bare chest was pressed to Hermione's back, and snaked one arm under her waist, and the other arm over, holding her hands in front of her so that she won't be able to hit him again.

Draco was a genius, wasn't he?

But even with that solution, Draco knew he won't be able to fall asleep again, as he looked at the time. And even if he did, it would take several minutes to do so.

So making himself comfortable, he held her tighter and let his mind wander off to his memories with his wife.

His wife.

Draco would always grin every time he thought about that, even if it had been five and a half years since since the brunette woman had made him the luckiest wizard alive and had taken his name.

What a sappy wizard he had become. Being wrapped around Hermione's finger and whipped for her. Those were Theo's exact words at Draco and Hermione's wedding.

Dropping a kiss on the sleeping witch's neck, Draco nuzzled her bird nest hair, and thought about their first date.

And the circumstances leading to it.


Contrary to what everyone thought after the two had confessed their feelings to each other, they didn't go on their first official date until months later. 

And the main reason behind that delay was Draco's stubbornness.

As he had still been living at Hermione's house after becoming her boyfriend, Draco had decided that their relationship would only start when he would be able to stand on his own.

And that meant moving out of her house first.

But it wasn't as easy as it looked. Draco's trial, which was scheduled to take place just after he left Azkaban, didn't actually take place until five months later, due to which, the ex Slytherin wizard couldn't shift to any of the Malfoy properties.

Even after his trial was done and dusted, Hermione and Draco didn't get the time to discuss their relationship.

When he had been packing his bags at her house, a few days after his trial, Hermione had frowned and refused to talk with him for a few hours when he informed her that he would be moving out the next day.

As it turned out, the ex Gryffindor witch had thought that Draco was getting tired of her, and didn't want to be with her anymore, because he had been acting weird for the past few days.

Eternity -DramioneWhere stories live. Discover now