Say it brat!

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     Katsuki tried desperately to escape the arm bar he was in. With all his strength he pulled on the legs across his chest and arm. His efforts were futile, because the older man had him locked. The older man exclaimed "Say it. I want to hear you say it. Say it brat." Katsuki looked to the kitchen for help. He met his mothers eyes, but she ultimately turned away with a small smirk. Katsuki tapped the leg trapping him and yelled "Alright, Alright. I give. I give, Dad." At the word Dad, he was released. The older man stood up and scratched at his ear bashfully. He quickly fixed his long green hair back into a bun. From the kitchen , emerged Mitsuki holding three cups of tea. Mitsuki set them down on the coffee table and waited for the boys to sit down. Quickly, the older man slid into the seat next to her. Katsuki sighed and shyly told his parents "So, some of my friends from school are coming over. Please don't embarrass me." Mitsuki waved him off while taking a sip of her tea. The other man gave him an expectant look. Katsuki corrected himself "Please, Dad." His Dad smiled and replied "Sure thing, bud." Katsuki escaped up stairs with his tea and away from his parents.
    Downstairs, Mitsuki leaned into her husband "Hey, do you think Katsuki is ok?" He replied "He's doing better than he was. He's made actual friends this time." Mitsuki sighed and hugged him closer "Izuku, thank you for this. Most people don't take on the responsibility of a kid that isn't theirs." Izuku silenced her with a soft kiss "Hey, I knew what I was getting into. I love you and Katsuki too. I see you both as family. No different than my own blood." They cuddled together on the small couch. In their embrace, Izuku remembered the first time he met the Bakugo's.
    Izuku floated to the ground and surveyed the rubble. In the distance he noticed a pool of blood. Izuku sped over to the large chunk of concrete. Around the rock he saw an unconscious women and a small boy with blonde hair crying silent tears. First thing he did was check the women. He checked a pulse then breathing. Once he gave her a once over, he checked the young boy. Izuku softly took hold of the boy's shoulders "Hey, I'm Atlas. Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere?" The blonde boy shook his head and pointed at the chunk of concrete "My daddy, he's under there. Is he gonna be okay?" Izuku couldn't stop the horrified expression from adorning his face. It's my fault. I couldn't save him. Izuku spun around and checked the damage. His body was crushed beyond all recognition. Quickly to direct the boy away form his dead father, Izuku offered his hand to the boy " I'm a pro hero so it'll all be okay. Don't worry. Let's get you to a safe place." Izuku led him by the hand and carried his mother on his shoulder. He set them down with the ambulance and wrapped his white cape around the young boy's shoulders. Izuku spoke "Keep my cape safe. One day I'll come for it again, ok?" The young boy nodded and sniffled "Thank you, Mr. Atlas." Izuku hugged the boy. When he pulled back he asked "What's your name?" The boy uttered "Katsuki Bakugo." Izuku patted him on the shoulder and left the scene.
     ~~~~~~Weeks later~~~~~~~
     Izuku denied the request from the support department for a new cape. He couldn't muster the courage to replace it. He made a promise to that boy. His guilt weighed heavily on his mind at the thought of that family. The one he failed to hold together. He failed his job as a pro hero. He wished he could do something to help. At that moment, Tsukauchi called him. Izuku picked up "Hello, Midoriya speaking." Tsukauchi responded "This is detective Tsukauchi, I heard you had an encounter with a family at a recent villain attack. I'm sorry to hear about that man's death." Izuku responded "No, it's okay. This happens right? Sometimes we lose people." Tsukauchi continued "If its any consolation, I can give you their address. From personal experience, I've felt great relief form seeing the family and talking to them. Even helping them out now and then lessens the pain. I'll send it to you just in case. And stay safe Midoriya." "Thank You Detective."
      Izuku stood nervously outside the door of the Bakugo residence. Before he could chicken out, the door opened and revealed a disheveled woman. Despite her hair sticking in every direction, bags under her eyes, and clothes too big, she looked out of this world. Izuku took a moment to reign himself in. I'm here to help not ogle. She's lost her husband. I need to help not try to insert myself. Before he could speak, Katsuki sprinted into his legs "Mr. Atlas. You came back. I knew you would." Izuku ruffled Katsuki's hair and addressed his mother "Hello my name is Izuku Midoriya, also known as the pro hero Atlas. I'm sorry for your loss. If there is anything you need, please let me know." The woman schooled her expression and bowed "Hello I'm Mitsuki Bakugo. Thank you for all you've done." Izuku shook his head "No, I haven't done anything." Mitsuki weakly chuckled "Anyway please come inside and have some tea." Izuku began "I shouldn't impose." Mitsuki denied him "No, please come in. My son can't stop talking about you." Izuku bashfully rubbed his neck and entered their home. They talked about mundane topics to pass the time. Mitsuki tried to keep him as long as she could because of the look on her sons face. It was the happiest he's been in weeks. Izuku stood up "I'm terribly sorry for taking up your time but I must be going." Mitsuki stood up as well "Don't worry about it. Please come back again. My son loves having you here." Izuku nodded and took his leave.
    Over the following months Izuku continued to show up at the Bakugo residence. Over time he started babysitting Katsuki when Mitsuki's work schedule became too demanding. Izuku cutback on his hero hours to help the Bakugos. Two years later, Izuku asked Mitsuki to accompany him to a heroes charity Galla. She accepted and they dance the night away. Izuku helped train Katsuki's quirk and teach him. Mistuki starting moving on with Izuku. They took slow steps to their relationship. Gradually, they built up to their wedding. That day they became a true family.
~~~~~~~~Flashback over~~~~~~~~~
    Mitsuki poked his side which elicited a surprised yelp. "What're you thinking about smarty?" Izuku chuckled "Nothing special, just you and me."Mitsuki raised an eyebrow "Oh. You and me Huh. Sounds suspicious." Izuku looked away. His gaze caught a group of shadows at the front door. His smile slowly stretched across his face. Quickly, Izuku connected with Mitsuki's lips. He gently coaxed her closer with his kisses and light touches. Before it got too heavy, Izuku pulled away with a smirk. Mitsuki's face was a dull red and she panted lightly. He whispered "Let's save that for later, alright?" Mitsuki sharpened her gaze at him. Suddenly, he hefted her up like she weighed nothing. He dropped her back on the couch but he neared the door. Izuku pulled the door open and saw Katsuki's friends watching him with varying looks. Most were admiration, one looked like lust, a few were fear, and Izuku caught the surprised expression of Shoto, who he considered a nephew. Izuku smiled brightly. Quickly, he turned around and shouted "Hey! Katsuki your friends are here!" Katsuki jogged down the stairs and said incredulously "Ya ya. I've got it old man." Izuku glared at him and Katsuki corrected himself "Dad. I meant Dad." Izuku clapped his hands and smiled "Good. Now what can I get you kids. Some tea?"

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