Chapter 16 - Taking My Own Life

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Elizabeth's Pov

Meliodas and I stayed like that till I calmed down.after 5 minutes,I pulled away and he wiped my tears

I really feel terrible right now.I don't know how many times this is that Arthur has cheated on me

I really hope I never see him again.
I've had enough.I know for a fact that Arthur is gonna call my mom and tell her that I broke up with him

I know for a fact that when I go home,
she's gonna be in the living room,
waiting for me and then start abusing me

Its always been like that.its best that I take my life here,in Meliodas' place.I don't deserve to live at all.I'm done going through all this pain

Besides,no one will care if I'm one will even notice

"Elizabeth...." I heard Elaine's faint voice

I looked at the direction where it came from and there she was.
standing by the doorframe with the rest of the gang,including Zeldris and Estarossa

"Elizabeth...." Elaine said in a broken voice with tears in her eyes

I forgot that she can read she knows what I've been going through for so long.she's probably gonna tell everyone that I wanna take my life away

"Hey Meli,why did you yell earlier?" Ban asked

"I dumped that fucking gold digger" Meliodas answered

"WHAT?!" Everyone said in unison

"Both Arthur and Liz were cheating on us" Meliodas said

"About time you broke up with Liz!" Diane huffed

"Elizabeth,are you okay?" Zeldris asked

"I'm fine Zel.don't worry about me" I answered with a fake smile

"Elizabeth,create another album but with songs that will tell the whole world about what Arthur did to you" Diane said

"You have to be can't let someone like him just use you like that!" Diane said

Diane's right.I shouldn't let Arthur use me like that,but I won't be here any longer

"I'm gonna get going" I said

"Why are you ignoring what I just said?!" Diane asked

"I didn't ignore what you said.I'm going home to get my lyric book" I answered

"I'll drop you off" Meliodas said

"No,its fine" I said with a fake smile

I walked out of the living room and walked out of the mansion.I pulled out my black sunglasses and put them on and also my black beanie

I took a cab and it dropped me off a few meters away from the mansion.I paid before getting out and opening the gate

I took off the sunglasses and beanie and rang the doorbell.the door opened immediately and the maid welcomed me in

I lied about going home

"Elizabeth?" Ellie said

I explained to her about Liz and Arthur.she was angry and relieved that Meliodas broke up with Liz

"That gold digger doesn't deserve my son" she grunted

"Meliodas told me that he never loved Liz" I said

"I'm proud that he left her but im worried about you Elizabeth" she said

"Why are you worried?" I asked

"Your mom.she's gonna start abusing you again" she answered

I know..." I said,staring at my lap

"Elizabeth,you're're your own woman now.please move out of that house and come live here!" she said

"I've asked you so many times already.please Elizabeth,its the only way for you to be safe!" She begged

I can't promise her that I'll do it.I'll be gone by then

"I'll be by your're not alone Elizabeth" she said

I nodded and gave her a fake smile.I excused myself to go to the bathroom but really I'm just gonna take my own life away

I walked up the stairs and walked in the bathroom.I locked the door and took out my pocket knife

I looked at the mirror and saw that I had tears in my eyes.I let my tears fall for the last time before cutting my wrists

The pain felt so good from the knife.I dropped the knife and watch as the blood runs down my body and to the floor

My vision got blurry and I blacked out.the only thing I saw was me falling in just darkness....

(Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.
took me all day to write but I finally got it done😁)

Rebel Out~

Am I A Mistake (A Melizabeth ff) *UNDER EDITTING*Where stories live. Discover now