"Sure. Come on." Charlotte picked up one suitcase as I grabbed the other, before running quickly out of the room.

" Charlotte picked up one suitcase as I grabbed the other, before running quickly out of the room

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Charlotte and I made our way out of Student Council, and were making our way to our lockers when we spotted Henry.

"Oh, hey, Hen." Charlotte smiled.

"Oh, hey, Char... Ivy." Charlotte smirked before bumping my shoulder.

"How was student council?" Henry asked us.

"Oh, it was really good. Next semester, we're planning a bake sale to raise money--"

"Wow, that sounds great." Henry cut her off as I gave him a death squint.

Charlotte rolled her eyes before taking out her phone, stepping away.

"All right, it's almost 4 o'clock. We better get to work." Charlotte put her phone away.

"Oh, no, we're good. Piper's gonna drive us." Henry said as Charlotte groaned.


"What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"Piper is my 12 year old sister. And she has a driver's license." Henry told me.

"Only because the state gave her one, by mistake!" Charlotte said.

"Still valid." Henry shrugged as Charlotte and I rolled our eyes.

There than was honking, causing Henry to head to the doors.

"Is that Piper?" I asked as Henry nodded.

"Hey, Piper!" Henry yelled. "Quit honking the horn!"

Piper than pressed on the horn for 20 seconds before stopping.

"Love you, too!" Henry yelled before walking back over to us.

"All right, where's Jasper?" Charlotte asked.

"Uh, still in detention."


"What's he in for, anyway?" I asked Henry.

"Dress code violation." I rose a brow.

"Oh, not a belly shirt?" Charlotte asked.

"Belly shirt." Henry said as I went over to him.

"Jasper can't wear a belly shirt. But you can show your chiselled chest?" I asked poking his chest.

Henry winked.

"Stop flirting with each other." Charlotte rolled her eyes as a classroom door opened.

"All right, the door's open. Now get out of here! That's right, you're all disappoints!"

Young Romance -Henry Hart Where stories live. Discover now