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"you dumbass. why the hell would you try that trick." she sighed. i had both of my knees scraped. we were in the bathroom at y/n's house cause it was the closer to the skate park.

"i wanted to get your attention." i pouted. sitting on the counter, i started playing with my hand and quivered my lip, knowing how she can't stay mad at me for long. im to cute to be mad at.

she grabbed two bandaids while frantically looking for the cleaning alcohol.

"i was watching you the whole time." she said. grabbing all the stuff she needed, putting it in my lap. rmembering she was watching me the whole time, i scratched the back of my neck

"right. my bad." i looked down as she grabs the cotton swab and pours the alcohol on it.

"now, this is gonna hurt like a bitch. just letting you know." she remarked, getting the bandaids ready.

"y/n, it's just a little alcho- MOTHERTRUCKER, THAT HURTS LIKE A BUTTCHEEK ON A STICK!" i bragged before screaming from the burning tingling on both of my knees. i heard her chuckle before she muttered a 'told ya' under her breath.

she put the baindaids on my knees and put the stuff back in the cabinets. i slowly got off of the counter, careful I don't hurt my knees even more. she left the room so I could wash my hands.

i look to the side, drying my hands on the towel, to see she left out the alcohol. it was green and it said '70% isopropyl alcohol'. one taste won't hurt.

i took the clear-ish bottle in my hand and opened the top. i squeezed the bottle whilst tilting my head back. a few drops fell on my tounge as i tasted the tart, disgusting liquid.

"jesus christ, that's fucking disgusting." i mumbled as i turned the water to cold water and rinsed out my tounge. i walked out the bathroom to see y/n drinking something.

"watcha drinking?" i asked as she took one last sip before extending her arm that had the drink in it towards me.

"cranberry juice. want some?" she questioned. i took the drink from her hands and took a sip. holy shit.

"OH MY GOD THAT TASTE LIKE CLEANING ALCOHOL." i shriek before seeting the glass on the table and grabbing a bottle of water, chugging like half of it down. i turn back to y/n to see her giving me a weird look.

"what? It was green." i spoke looking back at her putting my hands up in defense. she walked over to me putting her hands on my cheeks the kissed me.

"you sure are something, wolfhard." she said as i hugged her before she could walk back to her glass of juice.

"yeah, but im your something."

why are all my imagines so short🥲

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