Action and a training montage

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Hi, I'm Kato. Kato Nakamura. And I'm what you used to call an average salary man. What was that? Why did I say used to be? well... Let's just say my life is a bit more interesting.

Action on the prowl! Messing with the timeline?

"Phew! That place was great!"

"I... I simply can't believe you emptied an entire buffet in one go.."

"I could still go for more, but I'll give them time to recover."

This was some idle chit-chat that Kato, now known as Vegito, and the old man he had encountered were exiting the newly emptied buffet. It was a rare sight really, an elderly man accompanying a complete stranger dressed in a cloak that stood taller than him by a good few feet, but that's what this city does to people I guess.

"Say, old timer, I never caught your name actually. What do people call ya?"

"Oh, I'm shocked I hadn't told you yet. My name is Yuuto, Vegito. I'm still astounded at the fact I hadn't told you when I asked for your name."

"No worries old timer, after all you did just help me pay for that, so mannerism isn't exactly the biggest issue."

"I suppose you're right. Oh, a question for you Vegito."


"What brings you to this city of ours any who? Any particular reason?"

"Oh, well, I guess I'm just after a good time." was the response he could give off the top of his head.

"In what way?"

"Well, I'm quite strong, you could say. So if there's any good place to find some action this place would be a good start."

"I see, so you're an aspiring hero then?"

"A hero- OH! Oh, yeah. That's exactly what I'm here for."

"I see! So what's your quirk then?"

"Oh, uh, It's a tad complicated actually."

"How so?"

"Well it's like-"

As he was about to explain his 'quirk', there was a loud explosion noise a bit away in the city. He looked to the old man who looked a tad frightened and looked back to where the explosion came from.

"You know what? Why don't I show you?"


The old man was lifted by Kato and before he knew it they traveled seemingly as fast as light itself to where there was a huge sharp faced villain rampaging.

"Now stay here. Seems someone's up there but I wanna grab some fun too."

Before the old man had a grasp of the situation as the crowd around the two that was there prior watching the pro hero Kamui battle the behemoth noticed them Kato was already right next to him on the ruined remains of what once was to be a train.

"So, what's the situation?"

"Huh?! Who are you?! It's dangerous here, so get back-"

"Just tell me, big guy got anything special or is he just big?"

"Wh- Wait, are you a hero too?"

"You could say, yeah."

they both leapt out of the way of an incoming fist slam.

Reincarnated as Vegito... in the wrong world?Where stories live. Discover now