Rose : C'EST english Rose english, FOODS HERE GUYS.

She told hiting her head.

I laughed. And she looked at me.

Rose: it's not funny Harrison.

Dom : a little bit.

Tom and Adam came back. We're all 4 sitting on the floor eating our chinese.

Adam took his beer and put it in the air.

Adam: to our new neighbour.

Rose: chin !

I looked at the boys and said 'chin' not understanding what does it means until the girl explian us.

Dom: do you have any scandalous tattoo?

She take a sip of her beer.

Rose: well i've a grave with brb on it on my arm and a 666 somewhere i can't tell you

Tom: i'm sure there's more than that

Rose : yes but it's secret hahaha

Dom: where's your 666?

Rose: well you have an elephant and i have a 666 with an upside down cross.

Tom: wanna see it

Rose : well in your dream Pallant.

Tom: i'm sure on Google we can find it.

Rose: Nope they always Photoshop it nowhere to find it.

Our curious mind is taking us very fast.
She's eating but i'm watching her hand surprise to see.

Dom : you have a BHC tattoo !

Rose : thanksfully you didn't spit your food EVERYWHERE. It was like star Wars.

Dom: sowwy.

She laughed and said.

Rose: yeah i love yours but i didn't want to copy the exact same so i did it on my rings finger.

Dom: i love it !!

Rose : glad you like them.

We all finish eating and still talking for a long time. Camp fire without the camp and the fire.

We're all in circle laughing and sharing stories.

Dom: give me your phone.

She turns her head to me and her hair flew on her face.

Rose: what? Why?

Dom : Can i may have your phone please.

She unlock it and give it to me.

Dom: you trust me ugh?

Rose : well everything is in french so yeah hahaha

I figured what i wanted to do, this language is not mine.

I put our number with pics i took now.

Well i didn't put our basic name. I called Tom "The Fake surfer", Adam it's "the short one" and i named myself "the guy next door".

I give her phone back and she laughed.

Rose: would the guy next door give me his phone.

I unlock it and give it to her. She tap and give it back to me.

She wrote "the girl next door".

Adam: it's not because i don't like you guys but Kiera is waiting for me. Thank you for everything Rose !

Rose: oh it's nothing my door's open your welcome.

Then he leave.

Tom : do you have everything for this night?

Rose: yes it's in a box over here.

Tom : we should go too we have work tomorrow thank you Rose !

Rose : your welcome !

Dom: thank you.

We're on the way back home. Not long way but Tom got me out of my mind.

Tom: she's incredible.

Dom : yes really.

I'm sitting on my couch watching a show i don't even know what is it, when my phone buzzed.

The girl next door:
Thank u Dom for this, memorable 🌼

No thank you to you, to
be you

The girl next door :
Good night guy next door

Tom: who are you talking to?

Dom: it's just Rose who thank us.

Tom: huhu.

Dom: what?

Tom: nothing nothing. Good night mate.

What the fook is wrong with him? Anyway he's my bestfriend still.


I'm trying to find my pillow in the boxes wall.

Rose : oh you there you little shi-

I took it and saw my ukulele, underneath it the things to put it in the wall, you know the fancy thing, anyway.

I started playing, for the first time in 4 years. And singing too.

Well i think i needed that for my mental health.

I got a message from Kristen.

Just got an update your car is here Tomorrow morning early so you gotta go sleep now. Also shooting Tomorrow start at 10am. Sending you the info at 9am. Good night miss Petit.


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