Where Did It All Go Wrong?

Start from the beginning

“Yes, what is it little one?” He hoped the daughter wouldn’t interfere. Though she was just a child, no harm to him.
Bonnie gazed up at Kol, her eyebrows furrowed and a small frown on her face.

She would tolerate him for now, to please her mother. However the suspicious feeling in the back of her mind that screamed he was bad news wouldn’t cease.

“You're not here to hurt my Mommy are you” she asked, her expression transforming into worry.

Kol stiffened, relaxing again just as quickly as to not arouse suspicion. He ran his hand through his perfectly styled hair, then reached down to pat Bonnie's head.

“Of course not. Why would I ever want to hurt you or your mother when I’m hoping of joining our two families together?” Kol asked, an innocent smile on his face. “You would like a new Daddy and possibly sisters wouldn’t you, darling?”

Wincing at the force of his hand that patted her head, Bonnie stood in silence. Siblings might be fun. She had been by herself besides her mother and the maids for a while. Someone else to play with besides the village children would be a welcome addition.

Besides, maybe having this man as her Daddy wouldn’t be as horrible as she thought, no matter how many bad vibes she got from him. Her mother seemed to like him and his daughters. He couldn’t be all bad, right?

Her mother spoke up right before Bonnie could reply, coming up behind her daughter and picking her up in her arms. “I think that’s a conversation for adults like us to have alone.” she gave Bonnie a wink at the last part.

Kol pretended to bow. “As you wish, my lady.” He smirked at the woman in front of him. “I deeply apologize but I seem to have forgotten your name-.”

“Abigail. Abigail Bennett my lord.” Bonnie's mother answered, smiling through hooded eyes. She came closer to the vampire, taking his hand in hers.

They stared into each others eyes for a moment before Abigail led them both outside to the gardens for some privacy.

Once both of their parents were gone, Katherine immediately went up to Bonnie, who went to play dolls with Caroline. She snatched Bonnie's doll away from her, throwing it to the ground. Luckily it was made of cloth so it wouldn’t break.

Bonnie whirled around, shocked that someone would do that. “Hey! Why'd you do that for?”

Katherine glared at her. “If Papa marries your Mama, you still won’t be my sister.” she said matter-o-factly

The other girl listened, confused. “Yeah we will. We haffta be, what else?”

“We don’t ‘haffta be' anything!” the vampire girl snapped. “You just stay out of my way and away from Papa!”

With that, Katherine shoved past her and into another room, leaving Bonnie surprised yet again by the fiery little girl.

Looking about, she saw Caroline back on the rug playing. Deciding to put what just happened out of her mind, the little witch skipped over to the other sister, sitting down and beginning to play.
(That evening…)

Abigail and Kol returned to the manor from the gardens as soon as darkness hit. Reaching the living room, Abigail gasped and pointed, putting her hand up to her mouth to hide her smile. Kol followed her gesture to find Caroline and Bonnie fast asleep on the floor, their dolls right beside them. This made him smirk, amused at how fast their little bodies could tire out.

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