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Tubbo followed the massive creature out the door and down the stairwell, trailing a good few feet behind.
While (he? It??) seemed docile now, Tubbo wasn't so keen on being slung into another wall. He rubbed his back and winced.
That's something that won't buff out.

Ranboo teleported every few steps, making his way a little further each jump. Once the enderman reached the bottom step, it turned to its left and teleported out of view.
Tubbo realized, with a dull horror, that Ranboo was headed in the direction of Micheal's room.


Tubbo nearly tripped down the stairs, limping and hold his side.
He flung himself down the last step, all but swinging around the bannister. The brunette couldn't see the enderman-creature anywhere.
His ears flattened against his head.


Tubbo stumbled his way towards Micheal's door, tripping over his own feet and his own limp. The goat boy was panicking.
What if he did the same thing to Micheal?

The brunette almost fell through the door, his legs shaking.

Ranboo was standing next to Micheal's bed, looming over the racecar-shaped bed.
Tubbo nearly fainted at the sight.


As Tubbo limped forward, reaching towards the creatures arm, he saw that he was holding something.
Ranboo was cradling Micheal in his arms, making little cooing noises in another language. It almost resembled a sort of enderian lullaby. Micheal was gurgling in reply, reaching up to Ranboo's face and saying 'Dada.'
Tubbo winced when he realized that he was probably the one that woke Micheal.

Tubbo slowed, leaning on the creatures forearm to take pressure off his leg. He took in the song quietly. But Ranboo didn't.. sing?

Tubbo mused that this wasn't Ranboo. But it was..?

Whatever the creature was, it wasn't a threat to him.

Or Micheal-
He thought, watching as the Ranboo-creature bounced Micheal in his arms.

Tubbo smiled, sitting down on Micheal's bed.
Perhaps this would be alright.


The next morning, Ranboo woke up holding Micheal in Micheal's bed, Tubbo at his side.
How the hell did I get here?

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