Chapter 2

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The last days stressed me. I love my job really but I have so much to do the whole day that I don't have enough time for myself , family and friends. That's why I lost many friends in the past. And because many friends wanted me because of my success...


Today I was going to see a friend again and I was really exited. I didn't see her for months. His name is Leco. Many people think we are a couple but we are more than brother and sister.


"I'm sorry I missed your meet and greet" leco told me "it's okay really !" We wouldn't had much time together anyway there so I really
Don't mind.

"Was it good? How many people were there?" He asked me "so many people where there. I been there for hours...and yes it was good , do you wanna see some presents. They are so cute"

"Yes show me" he was exited...
I took a lot of pictures from the presents so I can show them on my phone .

I showed him at first cute flowers and than some incredible drawings..
Than the drawing popped up. The drawing from the cute girl yesterday
I started at it. I'm still impressed how talented she is. "You're smiling like a fool" he stopped my staring. "What is it? A picture from your girlfriend ?" He teased me

I showed him the pic "oh from who is it?" He asked me. "I don't know , a fan of me...a beautiful fan"I started smiling again "Ouh I see..but she's old enough right?" I can hear from his voice that he was serious "I would never date someone under 18" I laughed

"Ouh so you wanna date her" he teased me "I don't even know her...she is just really the prettiest woman i have ever seen" oh I really sound like someone in love
"Than get to know her" Leco told me "but how? It's creepy when your favourite celebrity asks you on a date" I laughed it off

"I mean you should get to know her as friends not instant on a date" maybe he was right "start texting with her about something...ask where she is from and when she's from l.a maybe ask her to show you l.a" I'm new in this city or more I live here for a few months but COVID didn't allow to go somewhere in the I stayed the whole time home "what's her @?" When I told him it's a Fanpage he flippped out "a Fanpage.. Stefania i dont know if this is a good idea but I will support you anyways." He always supported me even when I would kill someone. He is the best friend someone could ask for

I was so deep in my thought I didn't even notice Leco took my phone from the table and started texting her. "Hey what are you doing" now I realised what's happening "just for the best for u" he said while I tried to grab my phone

"Nooo" he ran away with the phone and I followed him until the message sent and she instantly read it "Leco what did you text"

Hi , I just wanted to ask you where you're from. I know you were on the meet and greet and you were really hot.
I'm crushing on you and want you to show me the city

"Leco no...ARE YOU KIDDING ME" I grab my phone and instantly texted something

Hey I'm so sorry , my friend took my phone but Uhm he's a bit right. Not with the part crushing but with the city.

She was typing

Fan: hii I'm from here , L.A , I would love to do that! And it's fine...tell your friend he's hot too😂

"What is she texting" Leco screamed and I jumped a bit bc it scared me "she would love to" I smiled "see ... I'm a wingman"

I asked a lot of questions to the Girl to know her better
Her full name is Danielle Kathleen savre
She is 25 (ik she is 32 in rl) and from here
Her birthday is on 28 August (in 14 days) and she acts too.

That's all I got to know. So I searched her name in her internet. I got a few film names but not much. Looks like she is at the beginning from acting. I hated Leco for the stupid text message at the beginning. I more hated him bc it was a bit true. I would say crush instant but she's hot and god damn beautiful

We talked a bit more and I asked her not to post what we chatted and that we chatted. People could get too curious

She agreed politely
The whole time she was so nice and politely
She made sweet compliments , so did I.

Than I asked her if she wants to show me the city tomorrow. She said yes!!! I almost screamed so loud the neighbourhood heard me
I know that's too fast if we really would date but urgh she's so cute and I mean when not now , when then?

The rest of the evening I spent with Leco. We had a little photo-shooting and the pictures were beautiful as always. Leco is really talented in taking pictures

When Leco arrived home , I started to prepare myself for sleep. The only thing I can think about is tomorrow. It would be awkward I know but at least I can see her again

From fangirl to girlfriend जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें