Chapter 1

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July 25th, 2020
somewhere in Germany

It had been a long night. Till late in the evening, they had celebrated her 18th birthday. Now it was over. Everyone was still asleep; everyone except Luisa. She had woken up early which was usual for her to do. She and her dog Chase were getting ready for a long, nice walk. The young woman picked up the bag filled with water and treats, hocked Chase to his leash and left the house.

The Wolfs lived in a small village where nothing ever happened. Luisa never worried about getting hurt or anything but this morning, it was different.

The young woman was from now on free to do whatever she wanted. She had one year left till her final exams. This thought didn't leave her mind as she walked down the empty street.

Without her noticing, a black Bulli pulled up right in front of her. It had a red symbol with white lettering on the rear window. Four men in black uniforms got out. They had the same red symbol on their left arms as it was on their car. Walking in Luisa's direction, they grabbed her and Chase without hesitation. A white strangely sweet-smelling napkin was held in her face. Shortly after, everything around her went blank.

August 14th, 2020
Jelez Елец, Russia

As Luisa opened her eyes again, she saw a lot of strange machines standing around her. It reminded her of the base of a mad scientist. As she wanted to get up, she noticed that she was tied up in one of the machines. Panic rose as Luisa pulled against the restraints, but it was no use. She was tied in tight and without any chance to escape.

Suddenly there was a sound. It was like someone was pulling at the handle of a heavy metal door. The sound was coming from behind her. Holding her breath, she listened carefully. Two men were speaking something in Russian that Luisa couldn't understand. Then a door opened.

"Она не спит?" (Is she awake?)

"да." (Yes.)

"Хорошо. Тогда приготовь все." (Okay. Then prepare everything.)

After the men stopped talking, wild shuffling replaced the sound of their deep voices. A man came from behind the machine, a vial filled with red liquid in his hand.

"What do you want from me?" Luisa asked but the man didn't answer. Without looking at her once, he left again after putting the vial in one of the free slots in the side of the apparatus. Looking from one side to the other, Luisa tugged on the restraints again. Then a voice caught her attention.

"It's useless," it said. A man, dressed in a lab coat, wearing a black uniform with this red symbol under it, came and stood in front of her.

"Luisa Wolf; female; 18 years old; eager, loyal, mentally strong; only slight signs of any powers," he analyzed.

"Your dog. You trained him well. Glad he resulted in the way we wanted, let us hope you will do the same." Before Luisa could say anything, the machine started to close around her. In her arms and legs, she felt a sting and a swish was audible. The next moment, a bright light filled the room coming from inside the apparatus and high-pitched screams mixed with a mechanical sound could be heard.

Then it was silent. The light was off. Nobody dared to breathe till the machine opened again.


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