Part Four

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"You have been throwing up and you have a pretty high fever. Please get some rest, we are extremely worried." Aizawa was carefully choosing his words because he did not want to upset you or make you feel worse. You moved and tried to stand but Kirishima put his hands on your shoulders pushing gently and Denki and Mina held your legs and waist down.

"No! You aren't allowed to stand up, you could pass out again!" Denki said and Kirishima nodded in agreement.

"It's okay to need help y/n," Kirishima said, trying to comfort you.

"But I have work to get done and things to take care of, please let me go," you said as you started to struggle.

"Schoolwork can wait for a day or two, you cannot successfully get classwork done if you are sick." Aizawa said before looking at Denki, Mina, and Kiri "Get them back to their dorm and make sure they are resting, drinking enough fluids, and eating enough, Okay?" They nodded and Kirishima gently picked you up and Mina led the way to your dorm room. He set you down on your bed.

"Why is there vomit in the trash can?" Denki asked

"You were sick and still came to school?!" Mina exclaimed with surprise and you nodded. "Why would you do that?!" She said

"Because I didn't think anyone would find out!"

"So that's why you were weird this morning," Denki thought out loud.

"They were acting weird and you didn't say anything?!" Mina said with a shocked look

"I didn't think it was a big deal!"

"She passed out!!!"

"Well now I know it is a big deal!"

You pulled a pillow over your head to try to block out the noise

"Stop fighting guys! You're hurting them." Kiri said, trying to calm them down as he placed his hand on your shoulder. Go get them some medicine and water to stop the fever. 

Kirishima X Sick Reader (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now