Chapter Five

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This chapter may trigger readers who dislike reading about abuse/sexual abuse. If this is you, then please stop reading this book. Instead, go look at my other works and find something that is right for you. I do not want to cause anyone pain just by reading a chapter I wrote. However, if you need to talk to someone, I am always here for you.

I hope y'all are enjoying the book so far. Here is another chapter!


She was shivering. She had woken up naked. Naked and cold and hungry. The sheet was pulled up to her neck before she found her dress in the corner of the room.

After pulling the sheet off her body, Morrigan used her arms to cover her private areas and got off the bed. Her legs barely supported her weight, and there was an intense pain in between her thighs. Failing to take a few steps forward, Morrigan fell to the ground and crawled to retrieve her dress. She hastily pulled it over herself and relished in the warmth.

Too weak to make her way back to the bed, Morrigan laid down on her side and brought her knees to her chest. She tried to ignore the pain but it was impossible. How could someone be so cruel to violate her like this?

She wanted to go home. Back to Jupiter. The person who had shown her love and care. The one she loved more than anything in the world. She wanted to read in his study while he worked his life away. She wanted to fall asleep in his arms like she had done when she was younger. She wanted him to come and whisk her away to safety like he once did all those years ago.

Back to Jack. The boy who annoyed her every minute of everyday. The boy she also could not live without. She wanted to argue with him until she no longer had any comebacks. She wanted to sit at the poolside with him until the sun set. She wanted to observe guests in the lobby until the party was over.

Back to school. To Unit 919. Her brothers and sisters. She wanted to watch as everyone ignored Lam's warnings about whatever small annoyance was coming. She wanted to hear Cadence yell at Hawthorne for whatever stupid thing he had recently done. She wanted to taste the newest thing Francis had made for the Unit. She wanted Mahir to teach her rude words in other languages. She wanted to have Anah fuss over her health if she coughed or sneezed. She wanted to watch Thaddea death glare the Charlton Five if they got too close to her. She wanted to watch Hawthorne ride dragons with ease. She wanted Arch to return something that he had taken from her pocket. She wanted to laugh with her Unit through the halls of Wunsoc until they were told to be quiet.

She wanted to go home.


Morrigan was unsure how long ago the day at the beach was, but it couldn't have been more than a week.

Each day was the same. She would wake up naked, and feel a sharp pain between her thighs. The pain only got worse as the days went on, reminding Morrigan of what happened after each time she was knocked unconscious.

She would then struggle to move over to where her dress is located that day. She grew weaker and weaker, and she wasn't sure how much longer she could survive in there for.

The dress would be pulled over her body, protecting it from the harmful environment she was in. Morrigan would then lay on the floor, too tired to move back to the uncomfortable bed. After crying herself to sleep, she would wake up to food being slipped into her room.

On multiple occasions Morrigan would complain about not wanting to eat the food the Deucalion chefs provided for her, but those meals were a delicacy compared to what she was being given now. On a small tray a lump of cold mash potato would sit next to a cube of meat. Tough, chewy, smelly meat. Murky, brown water in a glass also balanced on the tray.

She refused to eat or drink the first day she was here, but after a few days she thought she would die if she didn't. Eating the meat hurt her teeth, and trying to swallow the mash made her gag. The water wasn't much better either, but at least it washed everything down, even if the after taste left Morrigan wanting to throw up.

Everyday after that, the meal was the exact same and Morrigan found herself feeling somewhat immune to it. She had a routine. Eat the meat, eat the mash, wash it down. After a couple days of eating it, she no longer was complaining. Of course, things could have been better, but they also could have been much worse.

After eating the meal, Morrigan would find herself once again slipping into sleep until Spike would come into the room. Most conversations were boring. He spoke about the outside world, and the fact that Nevermoor still went on with its day without its favourite Wundersmith. One conversation, however, stuck with Morrigan, and haunted her nightmares.



She looked up to the door and watched as Spike entered the room.

"Sir." She nodded her head in greeting. While Morrigan was stuck here, she tried being as polite as possible, so she wouldn't get into trouble, but each day ended in the same tragic way.

"I wanted to have a little chat with you." He sat at the edge of the bed, while Morrigan sat on the floor. He rested his elbows on his knees and curved his back, causing him to lean towards Morrigan, but remain taller than her.

"What about?" She had concluded that if she feigned interest about whatever Spike had decided to discuss, he would be a little happier while talking about it which would then conclude in a little more happiness for Morrigan.

"The red headed monstrosity and his little nephew freak."

Morrigan's heart skipped a beat and her breath caught in her throat. Jupiter and Jack. She missed them dearly. Were they doing anything to get her back, or had they given up hope?

"What about them?"

Spike chuckled. "A couple of days ago, they put into the paper a missing child report. Front cover, mind you. The photo was disgusting. You three standing there with your sickening smiles taking up your whole faces." He made a gag noise to bring his point across further.

So they were trying to find Morrigan? This made a new found energy settle in her body. Whether it took weeks, or months, or even years, Jupiter and Jack were going to find her. That is if she doesn't die first.

"They're not going to find you and you can count on that." He had spoken as if he had read her thoughts and Morrigan felt as if it were an invasion of privacy. Suddenly, his face morphed into a sinister smile. "Think about how much pain, this has caused them. How many tears they have shed. Think about the empty space at the dinner table. The smaller amount of laundry that must be done. They all miss you dearly, Morrigan. Do you miss them?"

She remained silent and still, not wanting to get into trouble.

"I said, do you miss them?"

Morrigan nodded shortly before saying, "Yes." Even though she had more interactions with Spike, her voice was still quiet. She wondered if she could even properly speak anymore.

"I bet that pain is just eating you up inside, isn't it?"

That was the last of what Spike had to say, and he cast one last evil look to Morrigan before leaving the room.


That night had been the only night since being here that she was not knocked unconscious. Apparently, he had caused Morrigan enough pain that he didn't need to do so. Instead, she had cried herself to sleep, whispering Jupiter's and Jack's names into the darkness of the small room. She hoped that they would find her soon because the pain she felt was awful. She needed it to be over. When will this be over?

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