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~L O U S I A~

I was staring at the ceiling of my bedroom bored while humming to a tune. After Alex had asked me about Elijah, he had left with Xavier and dad for some gang business.

Iris had dance class every Sunday, yeah she loves dancing. Nic is visiting her grandparents today. And the twins are going shopping with their mom, Cassidy.

This reminds me of my own twin siblings. I stood up and went out of my room to the twins room. I opened the door and saw Ellie on her phone typing something on her phone with a smile on her face.

"Ellie!" I exclaimed. She turned and looked up in shock but sighed in relief when she noticed it was just me.

"Oh hi Lou. You scared me!" I just grinned in response. I went forward and took a seat beside her.

"So....how's everything going here?" I asked her.

"Everyone is nice and friendly here" She smiled.

"Is there anyone bothering you or Zach in school?" I asked her seriously. She shook her head quickly.

"No one is bothering us." Her tone was a bit wavering. I narrowed my eyes at her. She just sighed.

"Well there's this girl and her friends who kept calling me names whenever you guys are not here. She once tripped me in the class. She also threatened me not to be with you guys as you will think that i'm not worthy to sit with you guys" She said and looked down. I was angry.

"Who is she?"

"I heard that her name is Talia"

"Talia Faye. The slut and the biggest whore of our school" I was angry at her. How dare that bitch threatened my sister. She threatened the daughter of a gang leader.

She's going to pay for everything she has done tomorrow. And that's a promise.

And I wonder who she was texting too which made her smile.


"Ssh, be quite Nic! We don't want anyone to catch us snooping in the girls' locker room." Violet whispers shouts.

"It was an accident. I wa- ow!" Nic winced while rubbing her shoulder where violet hits her.

After I heard that Talia the bitch had threatened Ellie, I went up to my room and immediately called all four of my friends to say what had happened.

To say, they were not happy as well.

Nic decided she will bring something tomorrow for Talia.

As I said, she's the queen of pranks.

Well here we are all in the girls's locker room. This place stinks with cheap perfume, socks and rotten food.

"So Nic what you've brought?" Ari asked. Nic smirked and took a bottle from her uniform pocket.
Itching powder.

"Nic, you're really evil" Iris exclaimed with an evil glint in her eye.

"Ok so where should we put the powder? Her bag, clothes, shoes?" I asked them.

"Hmmm...Maybe the clothes." Nic said. She gave us some powder and we went to all her and her friend's locker to put the powder on their clothes.

I opened Talia's locker and scrunched my nose in the smell. I feel like vomiting. There were used and unused condom packets. I gagged at that and put the powder in her uniform.

I went out and saw the girls waiting outside.

"Oh my god! Chloe's locker stinks like shit." Iris gagged in disgust.

"Well I saw Talia's locker full of used and unused condom packets" I said. They all look at me with wide eyes.

"She fucks boys in schools too?"


"That's disgusting"

We heard some high pitched girls' giggle. I look towards my friends and see them still talking about Talia's disgusting locker.

"Girls they are coming run!" I said to them. We all ran towards the lunchroom as it is lunch now.


After getting our lunch, we all sat at our table. The boys were giving us questioning looks at us. We were sweating and breathing heavily.

"What did you guys do this time?" Xavier asked me.

"We didn't do anything," I said innocently, while the rest of the girls nodded in agreement.

"Stop giving me that look. We all know you're not innocent." Before I could respond, high pitched screams filled the lunchroom. We turned around and saw Talia and her friends were scratching their arm furiously.

The girls and I look at each other and started laughing while Violet took a picture of them. I forgot to tell you that Vi is our school newspaper editor.

"Tomorrow this will be the headlines in the newspaper." She grins while keeping her phone back into her uniform pocket.

"So you guys are the one who did that huh?" Matthew said with an amused grin. We smirked in response. My brothers shook their heads at our behaviour but could see a small grin on their face.

Elijah was looking at me with a small smirk on his face. I raised an eyebrow at him questionably. He just shook his head and continued his conversation with Jason.

"You!" I heard a screech (probably from Talia.). I sighed and turned around and saw Talia (yep it is). I looked at her and I almost let out a giggle when I saw her appearance

Her skin is full of scratches and very red due to her scratching on her skin with her long manicured nails. I am surprised that she didn't complain or cry for her nails which have brokened. Her blonde extensions have been ripped off and her fake blonde hair is in a total mess. She looks like a madwoman right now with crazed eyes. I accidently let out a laugh at her horrendous state. She narrowed her eyes at that.

"What?" I asked her innocently. I heard someone snorting at my tone.

"You're the one who did this!" She screeched while pointing her broked manicured nails at me accusingly. I raised an eyebrow amused.

"You're the one who scratched yourself which made it like that" I said and pointed at her. Her face was very red and was about to burst into fumes.

"You bit-" She was about to attack me when the principle came.

"Miss Faye! In my office in this instant!" He boomed. Before leaving, he turned and winked at me. I chuckled. He was my dad's younger brother, Andrew. Which makes him my uncle.

"You'll pay for it" The bitch spats while stomping off the lunchroom with a pissed off face.

"Well, this was entertaining" James mused in amusement.

How was this chapter?

Who do you think Ellie is texting to?
Comment your answers.

Sorry guys for the long wait. I was busy preparing for my exams. I will try to post regularly from now on.

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