Family and Friends

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"Good bye my dreamwalker," Her mother Sanhilga said through tears as drew her last breath. Without any time between the scene flashes to a clear dark night sky with her face printed onto it. Her tamed brunette hair and deep dark mysterious blue and green eyes started glowing. Soon her face started turning into a dark cloud and rained over a scene that looked like the high but flat dark green grassy hill that their old cold farmhouse and stable was on top of, but their house wasn't there it was flushing away in a flood coming from the small lake at the bottom of the hill, Then there was a- "No!," Hecura shocked awake from her nightmare to the sight of her older sister Ventella opening her bedroom curtains, "Another nightmare? Soo is it a new habit now??" Ventella asked with a smirk, "I don't know but it's always the same nightmare Ella and it won't stop!" Hecura complained. "Well, how about we get out of bed and come have some fresh pancakes," Lillith said in an annoyed voice, "Lil, come on don't be rude, but Hecura please hurry up ," Angolo calmly said as he enter the room, "What's taking so long?" Their dad Peter entered the room, "your gonna be late to school," he stated. Hecura went so red she looked like she might burst, "Pancakes are ready!" called the voice of Clarissa, their stepmother from the kitchen. "Coming!" Lillith yelled back but not before saying, "Come on Hecura." Hecura's face went bright red, "I AM! NOW GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" Hecura burst! Everyone quickly left Hecura's bedroom.

Checking her outfit of a Blue crop top, dark blue navy jeans and a moon and star clip keeping her brunette hair out of her deep, dark, blue eyes, Hecura heard the doorbell ring, so she ran out into the kitchen to see who it was.

The Kitchen was filled with chatter as she entered. The table had high stacks of pancakes with maple syrup and butter. "Good I didn't miss breakfast," Annaliza exclaimed as she entered the room wearing her blond hair in a high pony out of her hazel eyes, her favorite light green dress with a brown belt and light brown boots, she also had some light red lipstick, soft pink blush and a small amount of lilac eye shadow. "Anna!" Hecura gave Annaliza a big hug, then took a seat at the table to have breakfast. "Well not meaning to intrude or be rude at all but the bus will be here in 15 minutes," Annaliza said worried.


As Annaliza said 15 minutes later the bus pulled up at the bus stop down down the road from their farm at the bottom of the hill, now they were sitting on the bus, Annaliza and Hecura took their usual seats fifth from the front on the right side. "Did you do the weekend homework," Hecura asked, pulling out her phone. "Yeah, but I did it in a rush because I had dancing and a family dinner on Saturday and my dad wanted help painting the wall in James bedroom," Annaliza admitted, Pulling her phone out as well. That made Hecura remember that Annaliza's house is finishing off the last renovations. "Oh yeah Anna", Hecura said without looking up from her phone, "Have you decided how to decorate your room yet?" she asked going into her photo's where she had some ideas for Annaliza's room, then showing it to her. "Not yet, but I like your Ideas. How they're all galaxy themed, that will go well with my purple walls", Annaliza pointed out.


Once the bus pulled up at STELLA SHOOTING STAR SCHOOL (Quad S high or Q S High) the girls

got out of the bus and headed to their year level building which was complete on the other side of the school. Once they entered the school they had to part ways to go to their lockers. When Hecura reached her locker and put her bag inside, everyone in the corridor's voices started buzzing and Hecura new just what from, she turned facing the entrance and lent on her locker with a smirk watching as Cameron Mathews and Mya Peters also known as Mr. and Mrs. Popular waltzed through the entrance. Mya's "perfect" blonde hair flipped to one side as usual with Cameron's arm across her shoulders. His chocolate hair dripped in front of one of his crystal blue eyes which soon looked straight at Hecura along with Mya's emerald green eyes except Mya's facial expression was different to Cameron's for her's was more of annoyance from seeing Hecura.

Alone: Dreamwalker [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now